
Open Issues: 40 Closed Issues: 1,733 Acknowledged Issues: 129
Watching issues created after: 2020-04-11

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  • Drug activity Archived
    3423 Montclair Cir North Port, FL, 34287, USA - North Port
    Unfamiliar cars coming and going for short amounts of times. Thin white female with buzz-cut dark hair getting in and out of cars for short periods of time. Palming items in her hand and tucking them into her pocket as she enters and exits the vehicles.
  • 4761 Thisbe St North Port, FL 34286, USA - North Port
    The City came out this morning and took care of the problem.....NOT!! Something needs to be done about this. Myself and the neighbors have contacted the City now 3 or 4 times and there solution was to cut a couple palms down. We have also contact NPPD and they have yet to contact us residents back regarding this issue. Kids and parents are almost hit by cars daily at this intersection and yet no one wants to do anything about it. This is completely unacceptable! Are you going to wait until someone is hit by a car to do something about it? Please help!
  • 5588 Reisterstown Rd North Port, FL, 34291, USA - North Port
    I am curious when the city is going to do something about the ATVers riding around in the Estates. It has become a situation where they have turned much of the unbuilt areas into their own private ATV riding park. I am not interested in hearing from locals how there is no place else to ride, or people should just be allowed to have fun, or this is the way is has always been, because there are no excuses for breaking the law. These people are not only destroying city property, but they are destroying private property as well. They race up and down the roads at all hours of the day and night, they leave behind trash, destroy the roads, cause erosion, destroy foliage, disturb and destroy Gopher Tortoise holes, and are a general nuisance to those that have homes here. We can't even ride our horses in the area without having to deal with worrying about an ATVer racing up and scaring the horses. It concerns me that the city is not taking this situation seriously.
  • Other Archived
    5600 Hennessy St North Port, FL 34286, USA - North Port

    Every weekend for most of this day and well into the night, caravans of ATVs ride up and down Reistertown access Hennessy to access the area at Henrietta to ride, which is illegal. We keep seeing Facebook posts about how the NPPD is doing patrols in the Estates but have seen any police presence in months. Again, this goes on all day. Kids on dirt bikes, groups of ATVs, and large dune buggies. We have been so disappointed with the lack of action by the city to restrict access to the city property in the area and always appreciated the efforts of the NPPD, but we now see clearly that no one seems to care about our right as homeowners to the quiet enjoyment of our home.

    Don't worry, we don't expect anything to be done. Five years of inaction is pretty compelling.

  • 238 Parkview Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - Sarasota County
    We have the same issue at the corner of Parkview and Sunnyside. When it is raining, the water comes over the curb. With the summer rains, these corners will be constantly flooded. We appreciate the new pavement, but water never pooled to this degree prior to the resurfacing of the streets. In addition to the driving problems, this will be a problem for mosquitoes as well.
  • 8851 Pickwick Rd North Port FL 34287, United States - North Port
    These people need DCF called on them. The lady has already had another child with a man who is younger than her, a minor and they previously took the child away and then recently gave the child back once she had another child with the dude she just got arrested with. DCF needs to get involved and take these children out of the home. They leave their children alone and go to car meets. She needs the children taken away from her, especially for endangerment.
  • 425 Ceil Dr Nokomis, FL, 34275, USA - Nokomis
    Grass is growing over the sidewalk, there is dirt and rocks on the sidewalk and it becomes mud when it rains.
  • 420 Mt Vernon Dr Venice, FL, 34293, USA - Sarasota County
    This gentleman is running a commercial landscaping business from his home in the residential neighborhood of Venice East. As shown we see multiple trucks and pick ups in addition to commercial mowers and other professional landscaping equipment, and multiple towable box trailers.
  • 5781 S Cranberry Blvd North Port, FL, 34286, USA - North Port
    4th time, I've written to the city re. this. As you can see. I am again STUCK because of the shoddy way the city threw down sod to cover up what they had done because of my neighbor complaining all the time about anything from the weeds in the back to this. So now. I'll have to pay to have someone come and help me get this out. I am a Senior lady. Alone. 76 years old almost. I mow my yard. I was able to do the sides of the swale without getting stuck.
    This is the city's property. If you don't come and mow it. I am now not going to try again.. It will grow very high. I've got no response from North Port at all about this. Just saw a couple of people taking pictures the day after I sent yet another complaint in. I don't bother people. Mind my own business. Mow your property. Keep my yard clean. My neighbor has someone professional with a large mower do their yard. I can't afford it. I'm on a very fixed income. So It's your choice. Either it gets mowed by the City. Or just grows and grows. Oh. BTW. The only weed whacker I have is a small battery operated one which barely does my yard either front or back on one charge. So. I'm not using it for this. Thank you for not getting back to me sooner. I'm done.
  • 13625 Tamiami Trl North Port, FL, 34287, USA - North Port
    I am the owner Shannon of Abbe's Inc 13625 Tamiami Tr, N. P
    And I have a spicket for hose hook up or back of my shop that I pay for every month and I am having a problem with tenants next door that just opened up a sign place next to the barbershop illegally using it and I've asked him not to and he's getting nasty about it if there is a way that this can be shut off or removed I would greatly appreciate it.. if I pay for it I rather it not be used by the public.
    If someone could please, please, take care of this ASAP..
    I can be reached at #719-217-8550
    Or at
    I am in and out of our donut shop so I'm heard to catch there and I know it's Saturday but I really need this handled ASAP so he doesn't come into our shop yelling at my girls in front of customers over something I told him he couldn't do which was illegally use my water spicket out back..
    Thank you so much
    Shannon Franca
    Abbe's Inc.
    13625 Tamiami Tr
    North Port, FL 34287
  • Code Inquiry Archived
    4393 Balsey St North Port, FL, 34286, USA - North Port

    Since courts are closed will seek legal counsel later.

    However, what law is being applied with installing a storm drain on an easement property for use by a different owner which causes the downstream owners flooding, overgrowth, and harassment?

    Reasonable use rule

    Common enemy rule

    Civil law rule

    Thank you for your quick response on the subject matter?

  • 401 W Venice Ave Venice FL 34285, United States - Venice
    This is a vacant property on Venice Avenue between the roundabout and the Enclaves development. If you’re coming from 75 take the Jacaranda exit and turn right on Venice Avenue and it will be on your right hand side right after the big lake. It is very overgrown and very difficult to walk or ride a bike on the sidewalk. I have attached a copy of the for sale sign To let you know who is selling this property. There are two of these signs on Venice Avenue