Open Issues: 112
Closed Issues: 1,379
Acknowledged Issues: 142
Watching issues created after: 2020-04-21
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Other Archived51 Park St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricI am an avid biker and bike lane supporter, and I am very confused by this new lane marking on Sherman st. Could someone from DPW please explain how one would safely navigate on a bike from heading east within these markings?
I also want to note that there is plenty of space here to add protective bollards on the westbound bike lane.
thank you. -
44 Lakeside Ave Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricPeople are parking on the southside of Lakeside Avenue east of Conger ave. This makes visibility andturning g from Conger to e Lakesidave e and vice versa very dangerous and difficult to see anybody coming. Pleaslook intoer posting no parking signs on this part of the road.
Transportation and Parking Improvement Request Acknowledged32 Sherman St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricIs this intersection & stretch of road going to be completed as specified in the approved plans? Curbs got adjusted, roads were repaved, but it seems like there is still a bunch of unfinished work. Pedestrian area at the southwest corner (from battery park) has gravel, unpaved sections & seems very unfinished. Protected bike lane still has not been reinstalled. The corner is often cut by cars now, so physically separated lanes would be really ideal.
Sidewalk Archived64 Front St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricFOR YEARS, the entire length of sidewalk on west side of Front Street is in horrible disrepair. when will city replace? this is a primary pedestrian walkway from ONE to Battery Park. please prioritize this repair.
Parks Department Issue AcknowledgedCollege St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricCreemee Stand customers blocking bike path. Again and again. Oblivious that they are blocking traffic. Please do something. There is plenty of room for them to form a line parallel to the path. Common sense should prevail.
Battery Park fountain ArchivedBattery Park Burlington, VT, USA - Burlington ElectricWould you please do something about the fountain in Battery Park? I understand if it won't be turned on this year so as not to attract groups of people looking to cool off (I assume that's why it hasn't been turned on yet). However, the stagnant water that collects in there when the fountain is off is just one big mosquito breeding ground--which isn't good for public health either.
Bathrooms needed at the skate park ArchivedSkatepark 1 College St, Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricBathrooms are needed at the skate park. Since no bathroom or public facility is provided people have been using the surrounding area as a bathroom.
249–277 Lake St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricWith all the fabulous development of the waterfront, it seems there is a substantial increase in traffic and, unfortunately, speeding traffic, on Lake Street. There also seems to be a group of "racing"(?) cars that likes to go back and forth to the parking lot in front of the Coast Guard station. Their cars are deliberately speedy and noisy. Overall, the increased and speedy traffic creates a safety and noise issue. I don't know if there is a specific speed limit, but I think traffic needs to move more slowly than it does, and that this should be enforced.
Graffiti Archived1 Lake St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricWhole pack of people busted by Burlington Police graffitting *inside* the Moran Plant last night around 9pm. Maybe the same crew that's been vandalizing the outside of the building, skate park, and whole Waterfront Park neighborhood for last few months? Although it's due for partial demolishment, the City should take immediate action to secure this dangerous, toxic old building before someone gets hurt. The constant vandalism has to stop too. Hopefully there'll be follow up with the people who were caught...
Parks Department issue Archived1-99 Depot St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricInvasive honey suckle bushes on top of depot street,the city's right of way property,these bushes harbor needles, they block a clear vision of pedestrians, going up or down depot street, the city has cleared the right side ,now these invasive bushes should be cut down,before they have berries,which the birds eat and drop ,the city shows poor leadership letting these bushes continue to spread and fail to eradicate them,giving the people back , the right of way, and a safe path to the entrance of the waterfront, thanks.
Greenbelt/Treebelt Archived44 North Ave Burlington 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricNew tree looks like it’s dying. Possibly due to excess flooding from long running flood management issues on this block.
Parks Department issue Archived301-399 Lake St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricThere have been big boys/guys that have been intimidating my young children at the A.Dog Skatepark. We will be in a part of the park that is empty, yet these guys will fly by as close as possible literally an inch or two. If they were any closer they would be on top of them. I wonder what can be done. There is often an unfriendly and threatening attitude toward my little kids from a few individuals. Possibly additional signage that says "this parks is for little kids too, please be safe and respectful and give them space. " With a number to call if there are problems. Many skateparks also have a park monitor. A couple friendly suggestions. Thank you! Bo (802) 598-6917