Open Issues: 21
Closed Issues: 3,588
Acknowledged Issues: 263
Watching issues created after: 2020-05-03
Eastlake Area+
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Trash on Private Property Archived29756 70th St N Apt 2, Clearwater, FL, 33761, USA - Pinellas CountyIs profanity allowed. Many children live in this neighborhood & this individual has actually threatened to shoot the Hispanic people living across from him. Until yesterday, this was a Trump 2024 sign, now it is a profanity laced sign. He is rude & disrespectful to everyone in the neighborhood & now is trying to intimidate with this vulgar signage. Please, tell me this not okay or allowed.
Sidewalk Repair AcknowledgedBryan Ln Palm Harbor, Florida, 34685 - East LakeThere was a bicyclist recently killed on Bryan Lane so I rode the sidewalk from East Lake Road to Highpoint Drive. The sidewalk is dangerous, with mismatching heights of the concrete blocks throughout the entire Lane making the ride bumpy which can throw a cyclist off their bike. Where there are manhole covers, the sidewalk is an inch taller which for a cyclist is tragic. I scraped the side of my tire and expect this to wear through eventually. Passing pedestrians was dangerous. We all had to stop to allow passing. The sidewalk is situated too close to the road and thus the breeze from passing cars was in my face (a little scary to be so close). This needs to be addressed right away! The road needs to be widened to add a berm on both sides and the sidewalks need to be widened and flattened to a bike path. Please make this a high priority. This lane and sidewalk are heavily used especially during the school year as its the path children take to the adjacent middle and high school. It is also used daily by runners, walkers, dog walkers and cyclists.
Flooding/Erosion Archived2212 Toniwood Ln Palm Harbor, Florida, 34685 - East LakeLarge water pump designed to mitigate flooding in Tarpon Woods subdivision was installed Friday 8/3 in front of my house.
But it has not been turned on yet, despite our back yards full of water. Help. -
Stormdrain Issues Archived155 Annwood Rd Palm Harbor, Florida, 34685 - East LakeStorm drain is clogged
Water isn't draining and is up in the driveway -
Illegal Dumping Archived30121-30199 70th St N Clearwater, FL, 33761, USA - Pinellas CountyTrash and human waste has been piled up in this location for years. People live under the trees and throw waste here. People are constantly seen sleeping, drinking, etc. under trees and next to fence in neighborhood. Trees/Trash need to be cleaned up!
Illegal Dumping Archived29772 70th St N Clearwater, FL, 33761, USA - Pinellas CountyThis dirty mattress has been next to my property for a month. I believe the previous tenants of 29772 left it there and nobody’s had made an attempt to move it.
Traffic Signal Issue Archived36105 E Lake Rd East Lake, FL, 34685, USA - East LakeNew Shell Station needs some type of signal, signage or caution lines to indicate cars exiting carwash. It's a blind drive type situation. I've already seen 2 close calls with exiting vehicles from car wash and general traffic going thru parking area. Thank you.
Tall Grass Archived3442 Glossy Ibis Ct Palm Harbor, FL 34683, USA - Palm Harborthis house was sold in the beginning of September, people moved out by the end of September. only two people have been here to cut the grass once and service the pool nobody's been here for almost a month, place looks abandoned. pool pump is probably burned out, other neighbors have said that sounds like the pool motor is sucking air not enough water in the pool.
Animal Related Archived2730 Woodhall Ter Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East LakeNeighbor has chickens and roosters
Road Issue ArchivedUs-19 N Palm Harbor, FL, 34684, USA - Palm HarborUS 19 and Curlew intersection road pavement in dangerous state of disrepair! Road continues to deteriorate from all directions and turn lanes. Loose gravel, rocks, debris, nails etc. are major road hazards. See picture of debris and road deteriorization on just southwest corner of intersection. But same problem for all parts of intersection. NOTE: Quality of asphalt road is very low. Road should not be in such bad state of erosion and disrepair. Contractor issue?
Environmental Archived1806 Elmwood Dr Oldsmar, FL, 34677, USA - OldsmarThis house display unsanitary habits. They have multiple tents, people living in these tents. They're constantly burning fires. Some of the fires look unsafe. I have stayed quiet, as a lot of people on this block have, but I think its time someone starts looking into this. I really do believe theres something not safe going on here. Kids live on this block. Young kids.
Traffic Sign Issue ArchivedFisher Rd Dunedin FL 34698, United States - DunedinThis intersection only allows right turn onto Curlew Being unable to turn left at fisher forces local residents to have to detour through a residential area at Lake Dr then through Oak Street Then get onto Curlew only to make a U-turn which is more dangerous than making a left turn You need more clearance to do this than making safe left turn
Also there should be a left turn access off curlew heading west off I19 to turn into Joann's/ Home Depot as people are forced again to make a U-turn which is dangerous for those trying to get into left lane at Fisher road area to access I 19 North I feel the median should be removed to allow left turns at Joann's
There are signs posted at The north Pinellas Surgery Center requesting no through traffic so it obviously is a problem when people cannot turn in to mall or safely make a u-turn