Select a Request Category
- filtered to 31 categories
- Brookfield, IL
- Alley Grading
- Alley Requests
- Animal Control
- B-Box Repair
- Catch Basin Clean-up
- Curb and Gutter Inspection
- Dead Animal Removal
- General Concern
- Graffiti
- Illegal Dumping
- Missed Trash, Recycling or Yard Waste Pickup
- Parks and Playgrounds
- Pothole
- Sewer Back-up
- Sidewalk Damage
- Sidewalk Inspection
- Sign Replacement
- Sink Hole
- Street Light
- Street Light Issue
- Street Sign
- Street Sweeping
- Traffic Signal
- Tree Inspection
- Fallen Tree Limb
- Tree Planting
- Tree Trimming
- Trees
- Water Main Break
- Water Meter Issues
- Water Shut-off/Turn-on