Select a Request Category
- filtered to 45 categories
- Maple Valley Cityworks Agency
- ADA Concern
- Abandoned Vehicle
- Bike Lane Maintenance
- Blind Spot and Visibility Obstruction
- Construction Site - Noise, Working Hours Concerns
- Construction Site - Traffic Control, Dust, Erosion
- Construction Without a Permit
- Contamination, Illicit Discharge or Spill
- Crosswalk - Improvement
- Crosswalk - Maintenance
- Environmental Concern
- Garbage/Litter - Roadside
- Graffiti
- Illegal Dumping
- Illegal Tree Cutting
- Noise Complaint
- Other or I Don't Know
- Parking Problem
- Parks Maintenance Issue
- Pavement Marking
- Pothole/Pavement Repair
- Roadkill
- Sewer / Back-up Odor
- Shopping Carts Abandoned – Public Property
- Sidewalk - Existing Maintenance Needed
- Sidewalk - New Request
- Sign - Campaign, Not-for-Profit, Freedom of Speech
- Sign - Commercial Signage
- Sign - Request for New
- Sign - Signage in Roundabouts or Medians
- Sign Existing - Down / Damage
- Snow / Ice Issue
- Storm Drain Issue / Flooding
- Stormwater Pond Maintenance
- Street Lighting
- Street Sweeping/Debris Cleanup
- Traffic Enforcement
- Traffic Neighborhood Traffic Concern
- Traffic Signal
- Trash Recycling Collection
- Tree Cutting or Removal - Unpermitted
- Trees/Vegetation Along Streets
- Urban Camping
- Utility Issue
- Community