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City of Huntsville (Huntsville Connect)

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Traffic/Street Sign

, reported at 9th Ave Sw & Jordan Ln Sw Huntsville, AL, 35805, USA.

This request's status is Archived,

Bike concern: Is there a way for bikes to get detected to change the traffic lights at this intersection (9th ave. and Jordan)? If not, can this be fixed and a road pavement marking be added if there is a certain position that bikes should be on the road to make the traffic lights change (Bike route 50)? I typically end up using the pedestrians crosswalk, but I do not feel safe at this intersection going from the road to the crosswalk due to a blind spot and cars often turning right from 9th Ave. to Jordan lane.

# 13024127
City of Huntsville

Comments (6)

  • Verified Official

    City of Huntsville (Huntsville Connect) assigned this issue to Huntsville Traffic Engineering

  • Huntsville Traffic Engineering
    Verified Official

    Thank you for contacting City of Huntsville, Traffic Engineering. Are you westbound turning right to go southbound? You didn't specify which right turn you are trying to take.

  • hsv_citizen_2
    Registered User

    I am biking westbound on 9th ave to go to Governors House Drive in this picture (crossing Jordan lane at this intersection). I am trying to change the light from red to green in order to continue going straight.

    Image uploaded by hsv_citizen_2
  • hsv_citizen_2
    Registered User

    Note that I would like to be able to change the light going through this intersection both westbound and eastbound through this intersection while on a bike.

    Image uploaded by hsv_citizen_2
  • hsv_citizen_2
    Registered User

    With the added bike pavement marking, how long should it take to change the light when I wait at the bike pavement marking?

  • Huntsville Traffic Engineering
    Verified Official

    The bicycle emblem has been added to the road for proper detection location.

Comments are closed for archived requests.

City of Huntsville (Huntsville Connect)

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