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, reported at 950 N Saint Augustine Rd Valdosta 31601, United States.

This request's status is Archived,
Time of creation

Litter accumulates in this detention pond from the Stormwater runoff of the parking lot. This detention pond drains directly into Hightower Creek sending large amounts of litter unobstructed along with it. This is purposely being reported as litter because the issue is litter escaping the detention pond and being deposited directly into Hightower Creek. Please do not send this to Stormwater Management. Stormwater Manager Angela Bray has repeatedly expressed that this and similarly reported issues are a private issue that Stormwater cannot, therefore will not take action on. This detention pond is a direct source of litter that enters the Withlacoochee River via Sugar Creek and Hightower Creek. There is not litter prevention mechanism keeping the litter on the property as per the entirety of City Ordinance on litter Chapter 82 section 82-1

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