Select a Request Category
- filtered to 29 categories
- City of Vallejo
- Abandoned/Inoperative Vehicle Parked on Public Street, Alley, or Public Parking Lot (NOT parked on private property)
- Code Enforcement, Exterior Private Property Maintenance
- Dead Animal Removal
- Downtown & Waterfront Parking
- Fireworks - This will be forwarded to Police and Fire
- Graffiti
- Homeless Encampment/Unhoused/Unsheltered/Squatters - located on PRIVATE property ONLY
- Homeless Encampment/Unhoused/Unsheltered/Squatters - located on PUBLIC/CITY-OWNED property ONLY
- LMD - Assessment District
- Long Term Project - Engineering
- Long Term Project - Maintenance
- Long Term Project - Public Works
- Other
- Other - Non COV
- Park
- Pothole
- Sidewalk
- Storm Drain Discharge - Stormwater Issues
- Street Damage, NOT a Pothole
- Street Light
- Street Markings (e.g., crosswalks, legends, etc.)
- Street Signs
- Traffic Signals
- Vacant Home and/or Overgrown Weeds on Private Property
- Illegal Dumping (on public property only)
- Vehicle Parked on Private Property - (NOT public streets/property)
- Vehicles in unincorporated areas fall under the jurisdiction of Solano County Sheriff’s Dept. Please call (707) 421-7090
- Water Leak on City Owned/Maintained Property (running, not running, meter, etc.)
- Weeds, shrubbery, and/or trees (on city/public property)