Select a Request Category
- filtered to 35 categories
- Howard County, MD
- Bus System (RTA)
- Cable (Utility) Box Issue
- Community Center
- Dead Animal
- Drinking Water Concern
- Fire hydrant
- Fishable waters
- Found Pets (reported to Animal Control)
- Graffiti
- Guardrail Repair / Replace
- Historic Property Concern
- Illicit Discharges into Storm Drain Inlets or Streams
- Lawn Damage
- Lost Pet- Your animal is missing?
- Natural Resources Concern
- Mailbox Issue
- Park Ranger Assistance
- Park Concern
- Park Violation
- Park Wildlife
- Pothole
- Roadway & Drainage Concern
- Roadway Litter/Trash
- Sewer or Water Issue
- Sidewalk Concern
- Sign and Marking Concern
- Stormwater Pond Maintenance
- Stream Erosion
- Street Light Concern
- Sunken Area Concern
- Trails and Pathways
- Traffic Signal
- Tree Concern
- Tree Concern within a Park
- Visibility / Sight Issue