Select a Request Category
- filtered to 29 categories
- Randolph Township, NJ
- Abandoned Vehicle
- Animal Control
- Athletic Fields & Courts
- Construction - Permit
- Construction - Site
- Deer Removal
- Drainage
- Garbage and Recycling Collection
- Graffiti
- Health / Environmental
- Illegal Dumping
- Leaf / Branch Collection
- Parks, Playgrounds or Public Spaces
- Other
- Pothole
- Property Maintenance
- Recycling Center - Morris Turnpike at Sussex Turnpike
- Roads
- Roadside Mowing
- Curb Damage
- Snow & Ice
- Street Sign
- Street Sweeping
- Traffic and/or Speeding Issues
- Trails
- Trees
- Rental/Housing Health Concerns
- Engineering/Water & Sewer
- Zoning Issue