Select a Request Category
- filtered to 49 categories
- Henry County, GA
- Building Without a Valid Permit or Inspection
- Clogged Drainage Pipe-Pipe Underneath Road
- Clogged Storm Drain
- Commercial Vehicle in Subdivision
- Cracked Drain Cover
- Cracked Sidewalks
- Dead Animal (Dogs/Cats Only)
- Dead Deer
- Dilapidated Structure
- Discoloration of Bodies of Water/Environmental Concerns
- Drainage Ditch/Culvert Issues on Right of Way
- Drainage Issues - Off Right of Way
- Driveway Servicing
- Encroachment of Water Buffers
- Fire Department - Hydrants
- Garbage, Trash or Rubbish on Private Property
- Grading Roads
- Graffiti
- Illegal Dumping-Private Property
- Illegal Dumping-Roadside Pickup
- Illegal Signs
- Illegally Parked Vehicle
- Inhumane Conditions for Domestic Animals
- Junk Vehicles
- Operating Without a Business License
- Other/Issue Not Listed
- Overgrown/Hanging Tree Limbs
- Pet Left Unattended in Vehicle
- Pet/Stray Unrestrained
- Pothole
- Report a Spill
- Retention Pond Maintenance
- Right-of-Way Mowing
- Road Restriping
- Road Signs
- Roadside Litter Pickup
- Runoff
- SPLOST Concerns/Project Issues
- Sink Hole
- Soil Erosion
- Street Light
- Tall Grass or Weeds
- Traffic Evaluation
- Traffic Signal-Maintenance Request
- Traffic Signal-Request for Signal
- Trees (fallen tree in ROW, site distance issue, etc.)
- Unsecured or Stagnant Swimming Pool
- Weather Siren
- Zoning Violation