Select a Request Category
- filtered to 42 categories
- Revelstoke, BC
- Bridges
- Burning
- Camping (on City Property)
- Cemetery
- Culverts
- Construction (Without Permit/Illegal)
- COVID-19
- Fire Hydrants
- Dog Waste Stations
- Garbage Cans (Public)
- Gardens
- General Comments/Complaints
- Graffiti/Vandalism
- Irrigation
- Manhole Covers
- Noxious Weeds
- Memorial Benches
- Noise
- Parking
- Parks and Greenspaces
- Playground Equipment
- Playing Fields
- Roads
- Sanitary Sewer
- Sidewalks
- Signage
- Snow Related Infractions
- Solid Waste (Garbage - residential)
- Storm Drains/Ditch Drainage
- Street Light
- Track & Field Area Centennial Park
- Trails and Walkways
- Traffic Signal Maintenance Problems
- Tree
- Unsightly Premises (applies only to the grounds of property)
- Vacation Rental
- Water
- Watering (Residential)
- Animal Control
- Wildlife Attractants
- Single Use Items
- Business Licensing