Select a Request Category
- filtered to 53 categories
- City of Clearwater
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Broken Sidewalk
- Construction Project Concerns (Ongoing Projects)
- Graffiti Removal
- Homeless Issue
- Illegal Signage
- Miscellaneous Code Concern
- Missed Trash or Recycling Pick-ups
- Online Permitting Help
- Overgrown Lots
- Parking Inquiry
- Parking Tickets
- Parks & Athletic Field Maintenance
- Placemaking
- Potholes
- Property Maintenance
- Recreation Center Issue
- Request a Trash or Recycling Bin
- Right-of-Way Tree Maintenance
- Sewer or Wastewater Issue
- Standing Water & Mosquito Concerns
- Stormwater Maintenance Concerns/Flooding
- Streetlight Maintenance
- Traffic Signs & Markings
- Traffic Signals
- Unpermitted or Unsafe Work
- Utility Bill Inquiries & Payments
- Violation of Watering Restrictions
- Water Quality Concern
- Water Issue
- Zoning Assistance
- Contact a Department
- City Attorney
- City Auditor
- City Manager
- Clearwater Gas System
- Clearwater Redevelopment Agency
- Economic Development & Housing
- Finance
- Fire & Rescue
- General Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Library
- Marine & Aviation
- Mayor & City Council
- Parks & Recreation
- Planning & Development
- Police
- Public Communications
- Public Utilities
- Public Works
- Solid Waste and Recycling
- Utility Customer Service