Select a Request Category
- filtered to 55 categories
- Community Development
- Abandoned Shopping Carts
- Building Code Violations
- Building or Clearing/Grading Without a Permit
- Building too close to property line
- Bus Shelter Obstructed by Person/Debris
- Graffiti
- Illegal Encampments
- Junk and Debris on private property (not on roadway or sidewalk)
- Noise, Glare, or Odor
- Other - Private Property (not for City Staff)
- Overgrown vegetation on private property
- Parks & Rec
- Garbage - Parks
- Gate Issues - Parks
- Illegal Dumping - Parks
- Lost and Found - Parks
- Other - Parks (not for City Staff)
- Park Reservation or Special Use Permit Issues
- Playground Issues
- Sports Team or Sports Field Use Issues
- Trail Maintenance Request - Parks
- Trees - Parks
- Vandalism in a Park or Open Space
- Water Leaks / Irrigation Issues - Parks
- Police
- Public Works
- Animal Wild (Deceased)
- Erosion or Slope Stability
- Flooding or Nuisance Water
- Garbage - Streets or Sidewalks
- Guardrail or Fence Damage
- Item in Street or Sidewalk (Not Garbage)
- Missing or Failing Lid / Grate in the Street
- Other Street or Right of Way Concern
- Other Surface Water Concern
- Pavement Striping or Markings
- Pothole, Pavement or Curb
- School Zone, Crosswalk, Flashers
- Sidewalks
- Sinkhole
- Snow or Ice
- Stop / Yield Sign DOWN ONLY - Requester call 206-477-8100 ASAP
- Storm Water Drain, Pond or Gate Concerns
- Street Lighting
- Street Sweeping
- Traffic Sight Obstruction
- Traffic Sign - General
- Traffic Signals, Congestion or Other Concerns
- Traffic Speeding
- Trees Dangerous or Down (on Street or Sidewalk)
- Trees near Street or Sidewalk
- Utility Box, Poles, Lines or Exposed Wires
- Vegetation / Tree(s) near Street or Sidewalk
- Water Leaks / Irrigation Street
- Water Quality Complaints