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Traffic Safety (non-emergency)

, reported at 2730 Seminary Ave Oakland, CA, 94605, USA.

This request's status is Acknowledged,
Time of creation

We live on Seminary Ave and Morse Dr. intersection, and desperately need your help to implement appropriate traffic measures to ensure the safety of our residents. In the past year alone, we have witnessed at least 5 car accidents and nearly 1 death, all due to cars racing down this 2-lane road way above the speed limit. Our neighbor was in her own front garden (facing Seminary Ave) and was almost killed by a car that ended up driving up to our sidewalk within inches from where she stood in her garden. The car was going so fast, drove up the sidewalk and barely missed our neighbor, a near-death experience. It shouldn't take someone dying in their own front lawn for the City of Oakland to respond. We have witnessed other serious car accidents destroying fences and parked cars on Seminary Ave, evident by the multiple requests submitted to 311 here that I saw. We have bus routes down Seminary, so I'm sure that presents challenges to what can be implemented. At a minimum, it would help to have (1) reduced speed limit to 25 mph, (2) additional crosswalks with warning lights, and (3) additional enforcement of speed using speed bump/other viable option.

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