Brooklyn Community Board 14 (NYPD) PLUS

Open Issues: 1 Closed Issues: 0 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 0
  • 2217-2233 Caton Avenue Brooklyn/Kings, New York - City Council District 40

    Chronic issue with illegally street parked cars in marked "no parking zones”, some possessing handicap or city permits. This is not only disrupting bi-weekly street cleaning, but we are consistently finding these cars blocking access to our two driveways. We require 24 hour access to our driveways as they serve both residents and a busy medical office.

    We under stand permits allow for parking during official business but the street and curbs often go without sweeping because cars will remain parked for days and even a week without moving. That does not seem to coincide with permitted use.

    Other cars without permits place official orange envelopes under their wipers to make it appear the car has already been cited.

    Please help get the area cleared of these vehicles on a regular basis so we may keep the properties clear of debris and maintain access to our driveways.
    311 had been notified but the 70th precinct did not fully understand our complaint as a chronic issue. SR # 1-1-969376131
    Thank you.