Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. PLUS
Offene Fälle: 10
Geschlossene Fälle: 98.726
Anerkannte Fälle: 7.649
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt1500 Atkinson St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt3867 Cicotte St Detroit, MI 48210, USA - US Congressional District MI13Area is caving in .
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt2996 Helen St Detroit MI 48207, United States - US Congressional District MI13The alley is caving in over the sewer and causing damage to foundation of garage and flooring inside of garage.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt2088 Virginia Park St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13There is a caved in section by the sewer. Hole is about 9-12 inches wide.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt2527 Pingree St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13On the playground side of Pingree st
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt1574 Livernois Ave Detroit MI 48209, United States - US Congressional District MI13Street floods every time it rains. The sewer is defective, this has been an issue for about 10 years. We have reported this multiple times and we're told that a team will be on site and unfortunately it rarely happens. The root of the problem does not get fixed and therefore the street floods everytime.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt1501 Chateaufort Pl Detroit MI 48207, United States - US Congressional District MI13Asphalt around sewer drain is collapsing this is in a city parking lot at the end of Chateaufort Place and people walk here. Poses immediate threat. --
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt1780 Van Dyke St Detroit, Michigan, 48214 - US Congressional District MI13Alleyway is completely blocked by the cave in over the sewer drain in the alley behind the building.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt2491 Longfellow St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13Broken cement in alley caving in. Needs to be fortified behind garage and other spots throughout alley. Concern about sinkhole
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt19629 Dean St Detroit MI 48234, United States - US Congressional District MI13The Watermain basin cover is sinking into the ground. Please come out and fix it. Thank you.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt17111 Harper Ave Detroit, MI 48224, USA - US Congressional District MI13cave in sewer grade in front of BP RIGHT LANE. considering the fact that Simi trucks and trailers hint in it all time. it will be a pedestrian or car with low clearance, which will be the victim injury.
Cave-In over the SewerAnerkannt2200 Lawrence St Detroit, Michigan, 48206 - US Congressional District MI13Large sink hole in rear of property in alleyway. Getting bigger and bigger.