Public Health PLUS
Hurlburt St New Haven, Connecticut, 06519 - Hill
Last weekend shooting
Neighborhood is worried about drug dealing openly causing violence. We tried to call for patrol police do not answerWe need patrol to keep violence at a minimum
466 Poplar St New Haven CT 06513, United States - Fair HavenFor a few days loud music, drinking ,etc motorcycle and cars racing and burning wheels @poplar and turning in Lombard . Another disaster to happen or someone getting hit.
Clinton Ave & Chatham St New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Chatham SquareSomeone reported a dog tied at the corner of Clinton Ave and Chatman Street in this heat. Issues like this must be reported to animal control 203 946-8110, if a person doesn't answer call 203 946-6316. Do not leave a voice to animal control this must be reported to a live person. The dog's life is in danger
18 Tower Ln Apt 253, New Haven, CT, 06519, USA - HillRefrigerator broken and food is spoiling. Unable to get it fixed.
1689-1699 Chapel St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - EdgewoodQuads are back, so we not care about public safety now?
3 Clifton St New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Fair Haven HeightsIt's great that the Q River Grill is a neighborhood presence however blasting an AM radio station on their outdoor patio on a Sunday afternoon with nobody on the patio is so unacceptable Hoping someone can help remind them we are a residential neighborhood
Cornell Scott-Hill Health - HillWhere is the protection from the rain, sleet, snow and even the hot sun. We're suppose to let the elderly, our children etc out the car to walk to the building image if you had to hold an umbrella 🌂 and push a wheel chair or stroller..SOLUTION Re open the lane to pull up closer to the door.
Walt'S Package Store - HillAnyone willing to sign a petition to have this package stores liquor license revoked? this package store is causing loitering, public intoxication, public urination, littering, vandalism and public safety concerns and needs to be removed from the community to improve its condition and safety.
94 Howe St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - DwightPeople congregating and loitering on Howe and Chapel, very loud, smoking marijuana
47 Bellevue Rd New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Beaver HillsWhy do my friends, neighbors and I have to feel unsafe in what is supposed to be a safe neighborhood. We pay taxes and do everything right but the minute it turns dark we all must be inside our homes. It feels like our lives have become a horror movie. A man I know is a attack a block an half away from where my children are sleeping. Another almost hit with a machete when walking young kids home cause they felt threatened.
A neighbor of mine while in her car being surrounded by several men in hoodies start surrounding her car and coming up to her car window, the only reason they ran is because her husband came out yelling. (Ps. It’s all on video).
As a women I’m scared as a person I’m scared and as a mom I am terrified. What would I do if these men started surrounding my car while my babies were with me.
I mean seriously (and excuse my language) but what the hell is going on why is beaver hills being attacked?
Why are these situations becoming more and more violent?
Who is telling these people to harass the people of beaver hills? We deserve to all feel safe.
I’m not talking politics I’m talking safety if you know anything help no one should have to close they’re eyes at night thinking something bad might happen.
Besides shouldn’t we all be helping each other especially during a pandemic and not be attacking or be violent towards others.
People of beaver hills be mindful of your surroundings. -
Stop & Shop - Dwight
The stop and shop service desk needs to be more customer service oriented. You arrive to find the closed sign up when someone should be taking care of the customers who arrive and have to wait in line only to be told 40 minutes later the customer service person is covering breaks for other staff on the floor. Why is management not covering breaks? How can you close the front desk for one hour. This store needs to get it together because it is absolutely frustrating on this lack of service.
I think back on the meetings to get this store in this location and what is currently going on is disgracefu!!! Hire additional staff or get the managers to cover breaks so customers are attended to.
This is happening too often !
8 High St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Town_Green
8 High Street construction is still going on during this pandemic. There are over 20 workers on-site every day and none of them wear masks.
The construction starts at 7 am and ends at 4 pm Monday to Friday. A lot of tenants who live in the crown tower and crown court are doctors and nurses. Some of them work night shifts. We've heard them saying that they can't rest at all during the day even after long hours of night shifts.Also, many of us are Yale staff who work from home these days but because of the loud noise from the construction, we can't fully concentrate on the work.
Some tenants even leave their apartments for hours during the day just to escape from the noise. This is very dangerous because they might expose themselves to COVID-19. We had reported this issue to the New Haven Tower management but heard nothing back from them. The management team doesn't live in this building so they don't care.We hope that the New Haven governmental offices will help us. Thank you very much. Stay healthy and safe.