City of Sandy Springs PLUS

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  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    481 Hammond - Sandy Springs
    Last night I contacted police with a noise complaint about 481 Hammond. Tonight, the occupant of 481 Hammond is at it again. Running heavy equipment in his yard. I’d call police again but it’s Christmas Eve and I don’t want to bother them. However, it is now 11:25pm and I can hear the drone and banging of the equipment in his yard. I want you to have a record of his madness.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    755 Starlight Ln Ne Sandy Springs 30342, United States - North Buckhead
    Abandoned car with flat tires in a dangerous curve in our neighborhood. My dog and I were almost hit because a car was coming around curve and had to swerve toward us to avoid the abandoned vehicle. The vehicle has been there for months and many neighbors have complained about the safety hazard.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    645 Londonberry Rd Atlanta, Georgia, 30327 - Sandy Springs
    Outdoor burning. Often!
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    6750 River Springs Ct Nw Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    These junk cars are unregistered and inoperative and have been sitting for a long time. They are in bad shape and are a bad look for the neighborhood and county.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    8155 Roswell Rd Sandy Springs, GA 30350, USA - Sandy Springs
    tall grass and weedsin front of and behind bussiness on northridge crossing drive. alsowater leak coming from same area. dont even feel comfortable walking down sidewalk bwhimd buainess as trash, debris, tires and tall weeds make it dirty and unkept
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    Grogans Ferry Rd Sandy Springs 30350, United States - Sandy Springs
    This is an ongoing problem. The city of Sandy springs owns this island just before the Grogan’s bluff entrance and to the right hand side. Horribly landscaped and never maintained. We need this cleaned up. Additionally, trash and garbage from the work crews was left behind and never cleaned up.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    6715 River Springs Ct Nw Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs
    This address has had an abandoned vehicle parked on their grass (a non hardened all weather surface) for a long time and it appears to be inoperative. It is a code violation and a bad look for the neighborhood and county.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    825 Sudbury Rd Atlanta, Georgia, 30328 - Sandy Springs
    They are building a large structure in the backyard and i dont see a construction permit posted
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    8750 Pride Pl Sandy Springs 30350, United States - Sandy Springs
    Graffiti spray painted on retention wall of school track;including possible gang signatures, signs, and messaging.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    635 Glenforest Rd Atlanta, Georgia, 30328 - Sandy Springs
    Entire house under renovation with no permit posted
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    485 Granite Ridge Place - Sandy Springs
    Having a big issue with neighbors, who don’t pay for trash service, throwing trash into mine and other neighbors, who DO pay for trash services, trash cans. I am not talking about 1 or 2 bags but 10-12 bags. This is not my first complaint. I had waste management for 4 years then I got a notice they would no longer service the Northridge Crossing townhouses. Because of this reason. Then you guys came by and gave everyone a notice they had to have trash service. After numerous complaints of people using my trash can. Then I get Cox sanitation and people are still doing it. Specifically 477 Granite Ridge Place. Cox sanitation called me Tuesday to let me know they were no longer servicing our area. Once Again for the same reason. I don’t get why no one can get this resolved. Code Enforcement has no issue coming by to tell me my grass is too high but can’t resolve a simple issue of people illegally dumping trash. Hopefully something is done soon. Until then I will start searching for Another trash service.
  • Code Enforcement ProblemĐược thừa nhận
    6125 Roswell Rd Sandy Springs 30328, United States - Sandy Springs

    The below vehicles are classified as Junk/Abandoned vehicles under city ordinance based on reasons cited below. They are currently parked at 6125 Roswell Road in the Retail parking garage across from the leasing office. Both vehicles have been sitting for 6+ months. Per ordinance these are non-complaint even on private property.

    Vehicle #1:
Reason: Sitting for months, expired registration per GA SOS
    GA TAG TAS3621
    Vehicle #2:
Reason: Sitting for more than a year, no tag, suspended registration, no active insurance
VIN: 1HGCS1B34CA002290