Roosevelt Island PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 9 Problèmes Clos: 244 Problèmes Pris en compte: 151
  • 888 Main Street New York, New York - Roosevelt Island
    There is a very large hole next to the south end of the east side of the tennis court. It is right next to the storm drain by the big tree. It is hard to see because the grass covers the edges. My dog fell in it and I am afraid one of the children playing tennis is going to get hurt! It really needs to be filled in with dirt and rocks before someone gets hurt!
  • Sick TreesReconnu
    625 Main Street Roosevelt Island, New York - Roosevelt Island
    On the North side of 625 , I have a sick tree outside my window. It is the second tree from the Promenade. As soon as the leaves grow in, they turn brown. This is most evident at the top of the tree. It is getting worse each year. The first tree next to it seems to be having the same problem
  • West Road New York, NY 10044, USA - Roosevelt Island
    Why not? We need a water taxi station here. If not here where?
  • 888 Main Street New York, NY - Roosevelt Island

    Cars and Buses (including the red bus) drive WAY too fast when driving on main street approaching the tennis courts. Posted speed limit is 15 mph, vehicles almost always are faster than this.

    Including the red bus (a serious violator of the 15 mph speed limit)

    Including the MTA white bus.

    It is unsafe. People, dogs, children walk along the street, and cars are not operating safely in the vicinity.

  • 888 Main St New York, NY - Roosevelt Island
    Not sure what to call this... but the concrete square "vent" behind the Octagon bus stop has metal "gates" on each side of it. One of those is propped open several inches. Needs to be repaired immediately before rodents/cats/children get curious and go in there.
  • 555 Main Street New York, New York - Roosevelt Island
    There is a constant, high-pitched, tinnitus-like tone that has been ringing uninterruptedly for the past week. It can be heard from inside apartments by many residents in Island House and Rivercross and seems centered around the Good Shepherd Chapel area.
  • 155 West Road New York, New York - Roosevelt Island
    A man in a wheelchair engages in aggressive panhandling outside the subway station, typically around the time of the evening commute. He blocks foot traffic. This should not be permitted.
  • 543 Main St New York, NY - Roosevelt Island
    Gate is broken by Chapel Air Conditioning fencing
  • 501 Main St roosevelt island , New York - Roosevelt Island

    all sprinklers in blackwell park are not operational and lawn is dried out and deteriorating., Sprinklers need to be replaced.

    Kids sprinkers on in Blackwelll Park. No one using sprinkers ins October

  • 40 River Rd New York, NY 10044, USA - Roosevelt Island
    A vehicle sideswiped the fire hydrant next to 40RR. The cap is broken.
  • 470 Main Street New York, NY 10044, USA - Roosevelt Island
    So are the barricades a suggestion or a rule? If the former, please remove the eyesores. If the latter please enforce!
  • 888 Main Street NY, NY - Roosevelt Island
    CHILDREN AT PLAY SIGN NEED ON RD 10, with baseball field, daycare and children play yard on this street leading to church, vehilces do not stop at stop sign nor stop line (just painted) need double side of street STOP sign also. thanks