Art Pires

  • Road caved in by trash truck تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    124 Greenleaf St Fall River, Massachusetts - Bristol County
    #5182890. I filed a report on 3/27/15 about the road infront of 123 and 124 Greenleaf St that was caved in when a trash truck came down. The area, approximatley 100 feet in length was filled in with stone. Now that the weather has improved and more people are out and about, people are having to walk on this stone because we have no side walks. There are some older folks in the area that are bound to twist an ankle or encounter a fall. It is rather large stone and is difficult for a younger persone to walk on nevermind the older folks that like to go for daily walks. I even have to make my grand children go up the street to ride their bikes because they can,t ride them in the stone, and are out of my field of view when they do so. It's a very unsafe road condition and needs to be repaired and repaved correctly before someone gets hurt.
  • Potholes and Street repair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    124 Greenleaf St Fall River, Massachusetts - Fall River
    On March 27,2015, an aproximate 100 feet of street in front of 123 and 124 Greenleaf Street was damaged by a trash truck while doing trash pick up at those locations. The City did come down with several yards of stone and more or less paved the area with is to make it passable. And thats where it stands. We were told on 3/27/15 that the city would be back the next week to to do a more permanaent repair. please see the attached photos as of 4/10/15. There are also several huge pot holes on Arruda Lane that could use some attention.