Ben Loudon

  • Street lights out تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    12-16 N. Genesee St. Geneva, New York - Geneva
    Two first two street lights are out on the east side of North Genesee, immediately north of North Street.
  • City owned house is an eyesore تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    7 N. Genesee St. Geneva, New York - Geneva
    I know the city was in a legal battle with the former owner of this house, but can't the city do something to minimize the nasty appearance? Look at the pictures. The porch roof is hanging down, the driveway "wall" is falling apart, there are full garbage cans out back. I don't know why, nobody has lived there in about 9 months. The minimum upkeep is taking place. Honestly the guy the city foreclosed on took pretty good care of the place. It never looked like this.
  • Trash can, couch, mattresses at curb تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    28 N. Genesee St. Geneva, New York - Geneva
    There has been a couch and two mattresses, plus the trash can at the curb for several days. Tenants are bringing out garbage bags and putting them in the can, with an open lid, but not taking the garbage can back to the back of the house. I know it's being left there because the trash was picked up Friday and they didn't take the couch and mattresses and tenants have been putting garbage in the can since it was picked up Friday and leaving the can at the curb.
  • Post to neighbors تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    11 N. Genesee St. - Geneva
    Feher trash can has been at the curb for more than a week. I think tenants moved out and left it there. Can and recycling bin are full.
  • Tires and junk in back yard تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    40 North Genesee Street Geneva, New York - Geneva
    During a walk in Nieder Park I saw a pile of tires in the back yard of this house (I think it is 40 N. Genesee St., but possibly a different number) . Even though it's private property I'm not sure that's allowed and it certainly is an eyesore when you are in the park.
  • Trees in and over fence تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Nieder Park Geneva, New York - Geneva
    There are many trees growing in, over and through the fence at Nieder Park. It has already damaged the fence in some places. I'm not talking about vines or bushes, but large trees that should be trimmed or removed. I uploaded one picture, but there are many spots around the park where this is an issue. I will upload a couple more pictures as comments on the issue because you can only put one picture with a report.
  • Neider Park North Genesee Street, Geneva, New York - Geneva
    Neider Park needs maintenance and repairs.
  • Nieder Park drainage تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Nieder Park Geneva, NY - Geneva
    The drainage at Nieder Park has been terrible for many years. The ground stays so wet the city can't cut the grass and it gets very tall and the park becomes unusable by kids.The drainage should be fixed and the park should get as much attention from the city as North Brook Street playground and and Gulvin Park.
  • City-owned house in disrepair تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    15 N. Genesee St. Geneva, NY - Geneva
    Peeling paint
    incomplete siding installation
    debris in yard
    broken screen
    unshoveled sidewalk when it snows
  • Empty city-owned house تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    15 N. Genesee St Geneva, NY - Geneva
    Peeling paint
    Incomplete siding installed
    sidewalk not shoveled promptly when it snows
    Litter in yard
    torn window screen