
  • Montvale Ave Stoneham, Massachusetts - Stoneham
    My car was seconds away from being hit yesterday while crossing from Wright St. to Cottage St. across Montvale Ave. What can we do about this? I know it's an on-going topic!!!!
  • Board of Health Arquivada
    Oak Street Stoneham, Massachusetts - Stoneham
    Dogs are allowed on the Robin Hood playground grass field unleashed after school. I understand most owners are responsible and pick up the waste, but what about the remnants and the dog urine? I don't want my child and the other kids running around in this. Other schools have a "no dog" policy. Can we adopt this at Robin Hood?
  • Hanford Road Stoneham, Massachusetts - Stoneham
    The speeding on Hanford Road at all hours of the day is a major issue. There are many small children on this and surrounding streets and often the parents of the children have to stand in the street and verbally shout at cars to slow their speed. Park Street has a speed bump, even though it's a residential area. I've complained to the SPD about this issue. How do we go about installing a speed bump to stop this issue?