
  • 25007 Cary Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    there is a tree that was blown over by the wind Wednesday and is being held up by the electrical wires on westlake
  • 25070 Chestnut Street Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    Street light at 25070 Chestnut is not working properly. It turns on and off throughout the night. There is a birds nest in it and the are tree branches covering it.
  • 25023 Pamela Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    Fairfax street at Brian the entire street from curb to curb is sinking at the drains. It is becoming extremely dangerous especially when two cars are passing as there is a deep dip in the street. The entire street is in need of repair but at the drains the cement is collapsing from Brian to Lincoln.
  • Fairfax Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    street is collapsing at the corner of Brian and Fairfax at the drain and is starting to cross to the other side of the street towards the other drain.There seems to be recent cement but it did not fix the issue, the cement is caving in. Cars are swerving to avoid the inevitable hole. Its like a launching pad at even slow speeds.
  • 25058 Chestnut St Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    Missed pickup for most of the streets. Checked some of the trash cans and both sides of chestnut street has full trash cans.
    cambridge square sub.
  • 25075 Chestnut St Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    Street light is out at 25070 chestnut street again. Fixed once right away but went out again. Thank you.
  • 25058 Chestnut St Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    Street light is out at 25070 chestnut
  • 25070 Chestnut St Taylor, Michigan - Taylor
    At 14543 Gulley, the road is sinking between the curbs. Somebody came by and dropped coldpatch down but that just embarrassed the city in my eyes. The foundation is collapsing.