
  • Snow and Ice Streets تم إقراره
    2100 Idaho Ave E Saint Paul, Minnesota - Greater Eastside


    We have extreme ice on the street to the point where Aspen Waste our garage company will not drive down to get our garage. Can we get some sand? It's the street by 1635 Winthrop Ave.

    Thank you, Jeremy Sizer

  • Potholes تم إقراره
    1635 Winthrop St N. Saint Paul, Minnesota - Greater Eastside
    There are many potholes along Winthrop St. from Larpenteur Ave all the way back to 2100 Idaho Ave E. Could you please bring both asphalt and class 5 to patch holes as both are needed in different places? Thank you.
  • Pothole تم إقراره
    1635 N. Winthrop St. Saint Paul, Minnesota - Greater Eastside

    Many pot holes from Larpentuer on to Winthrop st. past 1635 winthrop st. Bring Class 5 and asphalt.

    This is our 2nd request.

  • Many potholes تم إقراره
    2100 Idaho Ave E Saint Paul, Minnesota - Greater Eastside
    There are a bunch of potholes on Winthrop St. south of Larpenteur all the way to 2100 Idaho. You should bring asphalt and class 5 gravel.