
  • Parking & Traffic La Kaydiiyey
    1049 Broadway Burlingame, California - Burlingame

    Ever since Caltrans (the city?) created a 2nd left turn only lane from Broadway onto Carolan I have constantly witnessed multiple vehicles in the 2nd from the left lane ignore the street and overhead markings designating the lane as left turn only and proceeding straight across the tracks to the left turn lane onto California.

    **My request is to please install semi-permanent cones/structures on Broadway at Carolan to force these vehicles to obey the law and turn left onto Carolan. Every time I am heading west on Broadway in the proper lane to proceed through the light at Carolan and then legally move into the left turn lane to turn left onto California it is a constant game of having to check and see how many vehicles realize they are in a left turn only lane and simply ignore the law and go straight ahead into the left turn lane for California. I imagine much of this issue is being caused by the fact that the current 2nd from the left turn lane at Carolan used to be, prior to the interchange construction, the lane used by drivers who wished to turn left onto California.

    I greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue in order to improve the safety of our roads. Thanks very much.