Concerned Old NE Resident

  • 330 15th Ave Ne Saint Petersburg FL 33704, United States - Historic Old Northeast
    Multiple items dumped by in alley, have been here for weeks.
  • 335 14th Avenue Northeast Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast

    Bamboo on property has now grown underneath fence into public alley, and has been inadequately cared for so every time we get wind it falls into alley, on overhead lines, etc.


    1. there is dead bamboo in alley that has not been removed by property owner
    2. there is dead bamboo hanging from power line
    3. there is dead bamboo wedged against another home and what seems to be a brighthouse line
    4. there is dead bamboo hanging on an unidentified overhead line
    5. there is live bamboo that has come up under the fence in alleyway
    6. there is more dead bamboo that is ready to fall and needs to be removed to precent another occurrence of items 1-4

    Lastly Duke Energy has been notified multiple times about their part of the problem but they've yet to come out. Regardless there is a problem here beyond just the Duke Energy's piece.

  • Traffic Issue La Kaydiiyey
    1492 4th Street North Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast
    The new crosswalk signal at 4th and 15th Ave flashes often for no reason. This causes motorists to not stop when it is on because it is broken so frequently.
  • Pothole La Kaydiiyey
    356 15th Avenue Northeast Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Old Northeast

    A couple of months ago the city removed a large number of bricks from our alley. Subsequently the rain and elements are causing this unprotected area of the alley to sink.

    This issue should be given priority given that the city started a job of some sort (intent unknown) and then completely abandoned it, and the abandonment has created a serious hazard. This area is so large that front end damage is likely and when it rains this area fills up and the fact that it is so deep is no longer obvious to unknowing drivers.