Esther Suh

  • Parks Archivado
    365 Caminito Barcelona Chula Vista, California - Chula Vista
    Please Chula Vista, take a look at Santa Cora Park!! It's completely normal to walk dogs here and not pick up after them. I've repeatedly seen this, people simply don't care even when there are other people around to witness it! Even poop left on sidewalks! Please see attached two photos of what I found on Friday, May 20, 2016. The poop right at the baseline of tennis court completely looks like it was placed there INTENTIONALLY! City of Chula Vista, wake up and handle these gross offenses!!! Completely unsanitary to play tennis here. Bad enough people have clipped holes in the tennis net. I am glad to never play at this court again. What a waste of city resources!
  • Santa Cora Park Archivado
    365 Caminito Barcelona Chula Vista, California - Paseo Ranchoero
    The tennis court at this park (near Palomar and Calvary Chapel) is constantly used as a dog park. People are letting their dogs run in the court unleashed, allowing them to urinate and defecate on the court, and typically NOT cleaning up the messes. Then people (including children) who want to play tennis have to somehow sweep the mess off the court, and deal with playing with and touching tennis balls that bounce in these unhygienic "remains." There is already a sign posted, but evidently it's not effective enough. This court needs either a more forceful sign, monitoring, etc. I have found broken glass, empty beer bottles, food trash, and even once a baggie of Marijuana.