Radiocenter 143

  • 6257 West Highway 290 Austin, Texas - Austin
    The traffic signal just west of Joe Tanner Ln. needs to be on flash until 6AM. The light turns red for no reason stopping traffic on 290/71 Eastbound. This issue has ben brought up numerous times and has not been repaired, but has been quickly closed out without any explanation.
  • All Areas Austin, Texas - Downtown
    The signs at traffic signals that alert drivers as to which lane turns or goes straight are too close to the intersections need to be moved further ahead about 50-75 yards to allow motorists time to get into the correct lane. This is an issue all over the city.
  • 6255 West Highway 290 Austin, Texas - Austin
    The traffic just west of Joe Tanner Ln. needs to be on flash until 6AM. It is turning red for no reason and making traffic stop who probably just had to stop a few hundred yards earlier. The inly time the signal should be on cycle is after 6AM and at that time it should be on sensors and not timed. This has been reported several times before.
  • Sign - New Arkiverad
    6900 Escarpment Boulevard Austin, Texas - Austin
    There has been several near misses because someone starts to turn right onto William Cannon from Escarpment and almost gets hit by someone doing a u-turn trying to double back on William Cannon. Those doing a u-turn also slow traffic down making some miss the turn light.
  • 6233-6255 West Highway 290 Austin, Texas - Austin
    The traffic signal just west of Joe Tanner Ln. needs to be on flash in the early AM until 6 AM and on sensors. Traffic shouldn't have to stop for no reason.
  • 6900 Escarpment Boulevard Austin, Texas - Austin
    At 5:45 AM when turning left onto William Cannon from Escarpment the signal only lets 3-1/2 cars through before turning red. There should be a sensor to allow the traffic on Escarpment to turn when there isn't any traffic on William Cannon rather than to wait for the light to make a complete cycle.
  • 6255 West Highway 290 Austin, Texas - Austin
    Signal turns red for no reason stopping traffic on East bound 290 at 05:45 in the morning. Needs to be on flash or on a sensor. This is really annoying after waiting several minutes at the light coming from William Cannon then having to stop at this light for no reason.