
  • Bulk Trash Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Lawn debris and old barrel needs to be picked up
  • Bulk Trash Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Lawn debris in alley behind 1410 Nottoway AVE
  • Bulk Trash Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    yard waste in alley behind house
  • Overgrown Lots Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
  • Bulk Trash Archivado
    1414 Nottoway Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Tree and lawn debris
  • Bulk Trash Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Tree and lawn debris
  • Potholes Reconocido
    Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    These are sinkholes and very deep. , Very dangerous issue. Needs attention ASAP
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
  • Other Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Water pipe was repaired last year next to water meter. Sidewalk repair is done but the grass area around the meter still has rocks and gravel. Is the gravel and rocks going to be removed with dirt and grass seed added?
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Sreet light in alley behind 1410 Nottoway Ave. completely covered by over grown trees. Very very dark and unsafe.
  • 1410 Nottoway Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Alley street light. behind 1410 Nottoway Ave/ Facquier is covered by over grown trees. Very dark in alley. Needs trees trimmed back so street light can lighten up the alley.
  • 1410nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Yard waste from recent storm. All waste is in alley behind 1410
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave. Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Grass area needs attention from water pipe repair last year. (in front of 1410 Nottoway Ave) Sidewalk has been repaired but trail of rocks leading to the street are still there. Rocks needed to be removed and dirt and grass is need to be added. Thanks.
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Third time request
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Sidewalk repair needed. City of Richmond DPU replaced water and remove small section of the sidewalk
  • Overgrown Lots Archivado
    1410 Nottoway Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    This alley curve or turn needs cleaning up badly. Fence has been hit 3 times in the last year from delivery trucks And also in need of markers on both sides of the curve due to much traffic with deliveries to the shops on MacArthur. Too many trash cans in alley at the curve since area is well over grown . Any help is appreciated
  • 1410 Nottoway Ave Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue
    Lawn debris