
  • Other Archivado
    99 Arcadia Revere, Massachusetts - Revere

    What are the ordiances associated with this Air B&B at 97 Arcadia Street? Traffic on this street has tripled with cars, vans, people and trash. Not to mention the security piece of this rooming house.

    Something or someone NEEDS to address this business that is located in a residential area.

    Very unsafe as the homes are only 2.5 feet apart.

  • 99 Arcadia Street Revere, Massachusetts - Revere
    Continuing on with the extreme high weeds next to my property and in back of my property.
    Health and safety issues.
  • Rodent Issues Archivado
    99 Arcadia Street Revere, Massachusetts - Revere
    Reported to John Powers what is being done to correct this issue?
    Live rats in the middle of the day on private property next door..
  • 49 York Street Revere, Massachusetts - Revere
    Newly purchased property and high weeds/grass around property.
  • 90 Arcadia Street Revere, Massachusetts - Revere
    extensive renovations currently being done on this newly purchased property. Is there a permit?