
  • 724 Sycamore Street (Apx) Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Hanging wire over sidewalk/right of way by 724 Sycamore Street, across from Sycamore Street Park. Cable is partly eroded and wires are exposed. It is hanging about 4 ft. off the ground. I don't know if it is power, cable or phone wire and so uncertain to whom to report this.
  • 750 Sycamore Street Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    The storm drain on the sidewalk outside 836 Sycamore Street, near the corner of Mountainview and opposite the Avondale MARTA station has a gaping hole which is large enough for a small cat or dog can fall into - or even a small child or even adult could get a leg caught in. It should be fixed. Thank you.
  • Glass pick up 已存档
    750 Sycamore St. Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Reporting for 3rd time the failure of glass pickup on Sycamore Street, this time on Monday's (8/8) route. Bin of glass remains this morning (Tuesday).
  • 750 Sycamore St. Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    I live on the corner of Sycamore Street and Glenn. Glenn Street parking is designated "Resident Parking Only: Others will be impounded". Two homes on the street have a "Glenn Street" address. Two others have a Ponce address and mine, has a Sycamore St. address. These 5 homes define "the neighborhood" to which the sign refers yet the street has become a virtual parking lot, with vans and cars regularly parked on either side of the street - we think primarily by people who live further down/up on Ponce. Glenn is often reduced to (barely) a single lane of traffic as a result and the parking has caused a very real hinderance to emergency vehicles requiring access. We request the area be policed for non resident parking. Thank you.