
  • Animal Abuse オープン
    901 C Edgewood Circle Gastonia, NC - Gastonia
    Resident Kimberly Hallas of Apartment 901 C Edgewwod Cirlce has 13 outside cats that have not been registered or have had there shots. Kimberly continues to feed the cats and the cats are continuing to multiply and breed. The small community I live in has complained to the Gaston Countjy Animal Control and the Landlord (Mrs. Ileen Robert Delinger) Of Roberts Rentals and we have had NO responce. The animals are breeding and using the bathroom and the Kimberly the Lady that is responsible will not clean up after the poor animals. It's very sad for the poor cats! Please help me and my small community! My name is Heather Hobson @ 901B Edgewood Circle Gastonia, NC 704-860-7733, We (all neighbors) have photo's of this abuse going on! Thank you so much! What can we do?