Chris Kruczynski

  • Snow Plowing Archived
    22 Beacon St Natick, MA, 01760, USA - Natick
    At 11pm(ish) on December 1, 2019, while clearing streets during the first "snowstorm" of the season, a snow plow driver lost control of his/her vehicle and destroyed a meaningful chunk of my mature (and not inexpensive) holly bush. Along the way, and not incidentally to this taxpaying citizen, he/she damaged 30 feet worth of town-owned curbstone and left a deep gash in the town-owned grass that borders my sidewalk. I have follow-up photos that tell the whole story of what was left post-snow-melt aftermath -- including the ankle-breaking/lawsuit-inviting hazard presented by the torn-out chunk of terrain, as well as the mitigating (and not inexpensive) measures that I took to prevent such a liability to the town. Most tragically, I have photos of the torn-up holly roots of a hedge that has served long and well as a friendly and fruit-bearing border to neighborhood passersby. I look forward to discussing this situation with the Town of Natick.
  • Traffic Signal Acknowledged
    161 North Main Street Natick, Massachusetts - Natick

    Combination of the following problems:
    1. Traffic light timing favors N/S Rt 27 traffic; cars crossing or turning on to Rt 27 have a much shorter green light.
    2. Traffic congestion results in increasing backups on Bacon Street during peak bus/rush hour (beginning at 7:20am).
    3. Way too many Bacon Street drivers are in the bad habit of turning on to Park Ave, then cutting on to N Pleasant, then barging on to Rt 27. They feel entitled to speed through the neighborhood with disregard, then give puppydog eyes to Northbound 27 travelers so they can bypass the traffic light mentioned in point #1 (see above). Only a matter of time before it leads to a road rage incident.

    In addition to fixing the traffic signal to make it fair to travelers in all directions, an officer should be placed in key locations of that cut-through. I feel really bad for residents of Park Ave and N Pleasant who have legitimate reasons to travel those roads. Sometimes they have trouble getting out of their driveways because they're blocked out by short-cutters.

  • Pothole Archived
    22 Beacon Street Natick, Massachusetts - Natick
    A water line repair was made in early Oct by the Town of Natick on Beacon Street in front of 23 Beacon. The hole was filled in and paved over, but now has settled below street level. This leaves a very sharp edge in the road to have to drive over every day. It's creating unnecessary wear and tear on neighborhood cars, and swerving to avoid the hazard only creates new hazards for the kids in the neighborhood.
  • 164 North Main Street Natick, Massachusetts - Natick
    A change was made very recently to timing of the traffic signals at this very busy intersection during the very busy morning commute (7-8am). The light stays green for north/south 27 traffic for at least 30 seconds, then the green light for Bacon Street traffic trying to access Route 27 lasts for about 5 seconds. This is hugely annoying, inconvenient, and unfair. I am one of many Natick drivers who resists the urge to shortcut through the Park Ave/North Pleasant St neighborhoods. Too many drivers already take that shortcut with complete disregard to the safety of the school kids in those neighborhoods. Please reset the signals so that Bacon St. traffic gets a fair chance at Rt 27 access. By the way, this is no doubt a result of the new traffic congestion generated by the Paperboard housing development across from Grove Street.