Andre Jones

  • Evergreen Ln Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, USA - Chapel Hill
    Several low limbs along Evergreen Ln. need to be cut. Any limb that is hanging lower than 12 feet needs to be cut. Also, all vegetation needs to trimmed back at least 12 inches from the edge of pavement. Limbs and vegetation are hitting top of the truck and hitting the mirrors.
  • 603 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Chapel Hill, NC, 27514, USA - Chapel Hill
    Can limbs be cut back?Trash truck has a hard time seeing traffic coming up MLK.
  • 2101 Old Oxford Road East Chapel Hill, NC - Chapel Hill
    Large limbs need to be cut in 4 ft sections. Some of the debris has been cut to length, but there is still some that needs to be cut.
  • 100 Taylor Street Chapel Hill, NC - Chapel Hill
    Tree limbs blocking one lane of street.
  • 5 Bypass Lane Chapel Hill, NC - Chapel Hill
    Solid Waste driver states that limbs are hitting his mirror as he backs down street.
  • Traffic - Miscellaneous Inilagay sa Artsibo
    104 Meeting Street Chapel Hill, NC - Chapel Hill
    Can the curbs be painted yellow to all the alleyways off Meeting St. Residents are parking to close to entrances of alleys and we are not able to turn the truck into alleys for trash collection. One entrance way has already been painted.