
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
    There are no street lights working on our end of Old Holton. The power lines fell down in a storm about a month ago. We cannot see people walking.
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
    A couple of weeks ago, my neighbor had a tree fall across the street. GA Power cut the rest of the tree up and piled it up for pick up. There is a bulk pile of limbs that need to be removed. It is my neighbors house on the right. I have seen the wood chipper on the street and would appreciate it if they came on our road to pick this up.
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
    3 piles of yard debri
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA, 31204, USA - Macon
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA - Macon
    Please drop a recycling bin. Just moved in.
  • S-WASTE: Debris Archiviato
    2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, Georgia - Macon
    Yard debris from prior tenant.
  • 2354 Old Holton Rd Macon, GA - Macon
    Just moved and need a recycling bin.
  • 2318 Danbury Dr Macon, Georgia - Macon
    I put my recycling out the past two Mondays for Tuesday morning pickups. I thought I got off schedule but no, they just never came.
  • 2345 New Clinton Road Macon, Georgia - Macon
    Drivers driving on New Clinton Dr. in both direction continue to speed. Most driver going down Pinehill Dr. are crossing completely over and have to look both ways. Then that driver is waiting to cross; drivers who ARE turning block there views; especially going East. It needs a four-way stop with a blinking red light. I have witnessed several in that area. I was also a bystander in another, where a car flipped forward on top of my vehicle. I have also seen many close-calls. There are numerous parents using that route to take there children to and from school. It is also a bus stop with students waiting without adults.