BTV South End

  • 542-598 Farrell St South Burlington, VT, 05403, USA - South Burlington

    The pedestrian signal to cross Route 7 on the north side of the Home/Farrell intersection is no longer chirping audibly to alert pedestrians.

    Reported under #14165283 on March 6. Marked resolved as of March 27. Please describe exactly what was done to resolve this, because there has been nothing done. The chirping alerts motorists (who like to turn right on red when the crosswalk signal is lit) to pedestrian presence, as well as alerts pedestrians to their turn to cross. Thank you.

  • Shelburne Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    The pedestrian signal to cross Route 7 on the north side of the Home/Farrell intersection is no longer chirping audibly to alert pedestrians.
  • 99 Deforest Hts Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    There are no sidewalks on this street, and anyone walking West to East on Chittenden Drive is forced into the road at this blind corner, because of the overgrown hedges.
  • Flynn Ave & Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    The No Turn on Red sign does not illuminate for pedestrian traffic heading east-west, and we end up with cars turning right on red as we are attempting to cross Pine Street on foot, as captured perfectly in this image.
  • Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Car parked on the greenbelt.
  • Sidewalk Arquivado
    265 Flynn Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Moving pod obstructing sidewalk. There is ample driveway space to accommodate this pod within the property boundary.
  • 68 Richardson St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Car parked on greenbelt. It's not blurry in real life. ;)
  • Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    This truck and trailer keeps parking on the greenbelt just south of Flynn Ave on Richardson. The trailer has an expired Florida plate and the truck has multiple visible issues that probably render it unsafe to drive until they are fixed.
  • 777 Pine St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    When I reported this last week, it was closed without resolution. As I said in the first report, this is an *ongoing* issue. If you don't happen to see cars parked over the sidewalk, please have a chat with NOYES management anyway. The photos aren't fake. This is a real issue with obstruction and it won't stop until they're informed.
  • Sidewalk Arquivado
    521 Shelburne Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    DPW has "closed" the sidewalk on Home Ave, and is instructing pedestrians to cross at Shelburne Road, where the missing pedestrian walk signal has of course has already been reported to SCF but not addressed. This is already an unsafe area for pedestrians, and DPW just made it worse.
  • Noyes Auto & Tire Service - Burlington Electric
    Once again, the NOYES employees are parking vehicles well over the sidewalk. This has been happening on and off for months.
  • 495 Shelburne Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    The pedestrian walk signal is not being activated on either the east or west side of the crossing between Farrell/Home and Shelburne Road. Very dangerous for pedestrians crossing Route 7.
  • Markings Abrir
    Queen City Park Road & Shelburne Rd Burlington, Vermont - South Burlington
    This is a highly dangerous pedestrian crosswalk to begin with, and now that it's faded to almost nothing, cars are looking for pedestrians even less often than before. Please repaint this and the one directly to the north of this as well.
  • Drainage Arquivado
    1 Flynn Ave Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The water fountain outside the first (south) pavilion is not draining.
  • Graffiti Arquivado
    8 Arthur Court South Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The wooden fence abutting the rec path behind Arthur Court is now covered in graffiti from start to finish.
  • Graffiti Arquivado
    2 Arthur Court South Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The wooden fence abutting the rec path behind Arthur Court is now covered in graffiti from start to finish.
  • Farrell Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The pedestrian crossing button in front of Walgreens is not responding and the light cycles through with no pedestrian signal.