Eric Ley

  • LITTER Reconnu
    5250 Medford Dr Hoover, AL, 35244, USA - Hoover

    I sent an email about this but received no response.

    Dear Hoover Connect,

    Litter is visibly accumulating on the embankment facing I-459 next to the Sprouts and Medical West Emergency properties (see screen shot below).

    I have contacted both properties directly on various occasions, but they do not seem willing or able to keep this area properly maintained.

    Someone, surely, must be responsible for it.

    I can see this litter clearly from the interchange ramp onto 459 each day as I drive to work.

    I would very much appreciate it if the City could do something about it.

    Thank you.

  • LITTER Archivé
    S Shades Crest Rd Birmingham, Alabama, 35244 - Hoover
    Litter is accumulating on both sides of South Shades Crest Road from Brock's Gap Parkway to Highway 150. This are requires regular maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Stadium Trace Pkwy Birmingham, Alabama, 35244 - Hoover
    Litter is accumulating on both sides of Stadium Trace Parkway, from John Hawkins Parkway to the Stadium Area. This area requires regular maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Brocks Gap Pkwy Birmingham, Alabama, 35244 - Hoover
    Litter is accumulating on both sides of Brock's Gap Parkway, from Stadium Trace Parkway to South Shades Crest Road. This area requires regular maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    3032 John Hawkins Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover

    Litter, possible code violations.

    In the Starbucks and Jason's Deli parking lots, litter is accumulating in the parking areas and landscaping Additionally, litter is visibly accumulating directly across from this area on the wooded embankment next to the Aveda Institute These businesses need to do a better job of keeping their premises clean! ..

  • LITTER Archivé
    I-459 N Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    There is a box of trash near Exit 10 on 459. I realize that this area is maintained by the highway department but please alert them to this issue .
  • LITTER Archivé
    Stadium Trace Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Once again litter is accumulating on both sides of Stadium Trace Parkway from John Hawkins Parkway to the Stadium area. Especially in the pine straw areas under the oak trees, beer cans and bags can seen. This area always has litter and requires regular maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Brocks Gap Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Once again litter is accumulating on both sides of Brock's Gap Parkway from Shades Crest Road to Stadium Trace Parkway Due to the nature of the indigenous population this area requires regular maintenance.,.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Brocks Gap Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Once again litter is accumulating on both sides of Brock's Gap Parkway from Stadium Trace Parkway to Shades Crest Road Some items of litter have gotten behind the guard rails and might be missed during pickup This area requires regular maintenance and the police should be making an effort to find the guilty parties or at least to report these areas when identified It is very expensive to live in Hoover and it should not have to look like the town dump....,
  • LITTER Archivé
    Stadium Trace Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Once again litter is accumulating on both sides of Stadium Trace Parkway from Brock's Gap Parkway to Highway 150. In particular someone has thrown a trash bag full of cans onto the pine straw area on the east side of the road shortly past the Village at Brock's Gap. All these areas require regular attention and the police should make an effort to catch people littering or at least report these areas once identified It's expensive to live in Hoover and I don't want my neighborhood to look like the town dump..,.,
  • LITTER Archivé
    1051 Amber Dr Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    There is litter accumulating on the embankment near Chipotle's and neighboring restaurants in this shopping area. This trash is visible from John Hawkins parkway The businesses in this area need to do more to keep their parking lots and surrounding landscaping litter free ..
  • LITTER Archivé
    5250 Medford Dr Hoover AL 35226, United States - Hoover
    Litter is visible from Interstate 459 on the embankment next to Sprouts and the Medical West Emergency Hospital Both of these businesses need to be aware that trash blows off their parking lots onto this embankment where it stays for a long time ..
  • LITTER Archivé
    3401 S Shades Crest Rd Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    The Shell station at Shades Crest and John Hawkins Parkway has litter accumulating in there parking lot They have not been maintaining this area and the nearby landscaping I have reported this issue in the past and it was treated as a regulatory compliance violation ...
  • LITTER Archivé
    3501–3659 S Shades Crest Rd Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    There is litter accumulating on both sides of Shades Crest Road from Brocks Gap Parkway to John Hawkins parkway. This area requires regular litter pickup maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Brocks Gap Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    There is litter accumulating on both sides of Brocks Gap Parkway from Stadium Trace to Shades Crest. This area requires regular litter pickup maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    516 Oak Trace Cir Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    There is litter accumulating on both sides of Stadium Trace Parkway from John Hawkins Parkway to the Stadium area. This area requires regular litter pickup maintenance .
  • LITTER Archivé
    5631 Lake Trace Dr Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Litter is accumulating along both sides of Brock's Gap Parkway from Stadium Trace to Shades Crest Road. This area requires regular litter pick up maintenance.
  • LITTER Archivé
    Stadium Trace Pkwy Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    Litter is accumulating along both sides of Stadium Trace Parkway from Hwy 150 to the Stadium area This road requires regular litter pick up .
  • LITTER Archivé
    5180 Medford Dr Hoover AL 35226, United States - Hoover
    At Jubilee Joe's the embankment below the retaining wall facing 459 is accumulating litter. I have attempted to contact them about this via their website, but I have received no response and seen no action taken.,
  • LITTER Archivé
    3401 S Shades Crest Rd Hoover AL 35244, United States - Hoover
    The Shell station at 3401 S Shades Crest Rd continues to allow litter to accumulate in the landscaping around its premises. It is a blight on the community and the city should cite and fine them for it.