Denise Martin

  • Shelburne Rd Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Overgrown grass on the greenbelt south bound Shelburne Rd near Lyman Ave. Tall grass blocks sight of south bound traffic on west side of Shelburne Rd from cars turning onto Shelburne Rd. This is an accident waiting to happen as traffic in rt lane is being obstructed, and cars are having to move too close to intersection to see what's coming.
  • 1119 Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Northbound Pine St between Queen City Park Rd and Home Avenue. Many Large, deep potholes. Traffic has to divert into oncoming traffic lanes to avoid these dangerous potholes. Please save our vehicles from major damage driving through this stretch of road. Hoping there will not be any accidents trying to avoid this area
  • Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    storm drain collapsing again at intersection of Lyman Ave making it difficult to turn rt on Shelburne Rd. Someone is going to damage their car.
    thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • 283-315 Shelburne Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Pothole, pavement breaking up around storm drain at intersection of Lyman Ave, making it challenging to make a right turn onto Shelburne Rd. Please address this issue before someone either has an accident trying to avoid it or someone damages their vehicle while making a turn. Thank you in advance for fixing this.
  • Sidewalk Arkiverad
    83 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    increasing sidewalk deterioration is making it challenging for people with balance & mobility issues. These sidewalls have been neglected for years. as we've seen sidewalks in other neighborhoods with less damage get replaced while ours get put aside. One of the members of my household uses mobility aids while out walking and finds it very challenging to walking these sidewalks.
  • Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Many potholes northbound Pine street on east side of street from Baird Street to Home Avenue. Especially bad approaching Home Avenue, someone will ultimately incur some major vehicle damage soon.
  • 83 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Put hole on pine St. Between Lyman and Morse
  • 83 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Large pothole on Ferguson Avenue directly across from church driveway, making it hard to exit the parking lot to turn left on Ferguson.
  • 83 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Multiple potholes at intersection of Richardson street and Lyman Avenue which are growing in size and becoming more challenging to navigate the intersection
  • 83 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Ice on the road making it treacherous to get into the car. This is a recurring issue every time we have a thaw and freeze. The melting snow, rain runs down the intersection in front of our house. I can hardly make it to my car as the ice is directly in front of my house extending to the intersection of Lyman Ave. Hoping that this can be salted when we're have the freeze/thaw cycles so we're doing end up fracturing any bones trying to get to our cars to go to work. Thank you in advance.
  • Icy Conditions Arkiverad
    71-101 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Very icy conditions on Richardson St near Scarff Avenue. Travel is becoming very difficult in the area.
  • 71-101 Richardson St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Very deep hole in front of 83 Lyman Ave.
    This hole can severely damage any vehicle,and is making travel extremely difficult and nearly impossible.
  • 05401 Burlington, VT, USA - Burlington Electric
    Very large pothole nothbound Pine St across from Bobbin Mill and near Soda plant on esatside of the road.
  • Burlington VT, USA - Burlington Electric
    Large pothole on southbound Shelburne Rd at Home Avenue intersection.
  • City Of Burlington VT, USA - Burlington Electric
    Large pothole on eastbound Pearl St. just before intersection with S. Prospect St.
  • 83 Richardson Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    Multiple potholes growing in size at the intersection of Richardson Street and Lyman Avenue