Ammo Mike

  • 2179 Alexander Rd New Britain, CT 06053, USA - New Britain
    EXTREMELY LOUD MUSIC coming from vehicles in AW. I can barely hear the illegal dirt bikes drive by while it's playing. Such a shame New Britain has these nice parks and they get ruined by inconsiderate people.
  • Blight Arquivada
    30 Harding St New Britain, CT 06052, USA - New Britain
    According to the CT judicial website, this property has been foreclosed on since January. There are squatters living here who refuse to respect themselves and the neighborhood. The grass is never cut, they have an abandoned car in the driveway, and trash all over the front lawn. This is only what I can see from the front. I feel awful for the people who have to live behind and beside them. Health inspector, please take note. You will know they are home to issue a citation when DCF is in front. It's the state vehicle parked on the street and the 5 dogs barking outside that give it away. At least 10 people squat inside this house, stealing from every hard working taxpayer in this great city.
  • 24 Harding St New Britain, Connecticut, 06052 - New Britain
    On Tuesday March 8th, contractors for the gas company dug holes for a suspected leak. NPL had 2 vehicles blocking my driveway without notice. My wife was late to work because of their complacency. They filled the holes they dug and cold patched them on Wednesday March 9th. We had snow, and the city plowed as they always do. Due to the terrible job tampering the cold patch by
    NPL, the city plow sprayed asphalt all along the street, my sidewalk, and my front lawn. I contacted the Public Works office today, and after some serious deliberations, they told me to sweep it up myself...So I guess my question is, where and how do I properly dispose of this asphalt once I sweep it up. I cannot wait, nor do I want to have a city employee come do it. After all, its after hours on a Friday, and a call out with the union will cost me triple in tax dollars vs. me just paying myself to get rid of someone else's mistake. But after all, it's New Britain, I'm used to it.
  • Sidewalk Damage Reconhecida
    30 Harding St New Britain, CT 06052, USA - New Britain
    These people are a disgrace to New Britain values. They do not work. Their house is in foreclosure. They do not pay any utility bills. The City has a lean on their property. If not for covid-19, they would have been evicted. These people continue to live there for free and continue to pose a threat to the tax paying citizens of the surrounding neighborhood. When does the socialism stop in our State! If I have to continue to live next to trash and pay high taxes I will leave. The ends are beginning to not outway the means. It kills me to even have to write this.
  • Blight Arquivada
    30 Harding St New Britain, CT 06052, USA - New Britain
    I know it's hard for working people to get to New Britain's transfer station this time of year, but when you haven't had a job in 2 years, there's no excuse why your pickup is filled with junk. How about those front steps...Watch your step walking out your own front door..God forbid you want to trip and fall on your dog's poop piles you leave on your side walks! The leaves in the back need to go more than you. I will continue to take pictures side by side pics. We can all watch daily. Either you take them or the City will. That will come with another lien.
  • 30 Harding St New Britain, CT 06052, USA - New Britain
    Resident has a non-permitted swimming pool. Resident runs a jump-house rental business without paying taxes. Resident hasn't raked leaves in over 2 years.