
  • Basketball Court - Parkman تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    165 Weymouth Rd Enfield, Connecticut - polytest


    Over the past few years, a large number of pavement cracks have developed on the basketball/handball court at Parkman Elementary school. These cracks have grown in size (some in excess of 3 inches wide and 10 feet long) and are consistently filled with weeds and other debris.

    These cracks pose a significant safety risk to residents who use this court. On numerous occasions, I have witnessed individuals who have tripped/gotten their shoe stuck in one of these cracks. Most recently, on 4/16/19 there was a group playing basketball on this court - and an individual tripped on one of these cracks, which resulted in a dislocated knee.

    I urge you to consider fixing the damaged court to prevent any further injuries.

    Thank you for your time
    Bryan Flanaghan