Tony Frudakis

  • shots Arkiverad
    300 Gold Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown
    Shots fired - 9 or so in rapid succession - early this AM about 2:30 - 3:00. Typical weekend night in downtown. Cops should be camped out here - this is where they can take the people off the streets who are driving ABQ crime epidemic. I cannot understand why this kind of garbage is tolerated here (as evidenced by the fact it happens all the time). Makes me want to move my family elsewhere.
  • Speeding Arkiverad
    3rd St Sw & Gold Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown
    On Friday and Saturday nights, early Sunday AM, cars are squealing their tires, sounds like drag racing when the traffic lights turn green. This happens at intersections around 2nd, 3rd, Silver and Gold. Why are they doing this? Because they are drunk, number 1, and number 2 because they know that the "traffic calming" light pattern will make them stop 2 blocks away and they think they can beat the timing by speeding. The "traffic calming" pattern is thus having the opposite effect from intended. Can you please possibly adjust the timing so these drunks stop drag racing late night? Or start pulling them over with patrol cars. This past weekend was the noisiest since I moved into downtown, I hears no fewer than a dozen instances of squealing tires, engines revving at the intersections getting ready to peel out, the usual chaos at the parking lot 2nd and Gold (weekend before when the cameras were there it was nice and quiet there). Got zero sleep all night Saturday.
  • Thank You Arkiverad
    210 Gold Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown
    Thank you for the camera pole at the parking lot Gold and 2nd. It took the criminals that frequent that lot only a short time to realize they were being monitored. They immediately recognize these poles, and they are very effective criminal repellents. Friday evening and all the rest of the night and weekend it was calm and quiet. Thank you from all of the residents in the surrounding apartment buildings!
  • 300 Gold Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown
    I've written many times before on this. Parking lot Gold and 2nd early Saturday and Sunday AMs is a crime fest with broken bottles, revving engines, idling cars no doubt doing drug deals, drunk drivers squealing out of the lot, all of which erupts predictably into shootings and stabbings at least once a month or so. If there are not enough patrol units to deal with it, and we cant make the bars close early can we make the owner of this lot close it down Friday and Saturday nights? There is simply no reason to tolerate this situation, which is disturbing to sober, law-abiding residents in the area who are woken up by the chaos every single weekend night.
  • 210 Gold Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown

    I have been posting almost weekly about the chaos at the parking lot on 2nd and Gold. This weekend of course there was another shooting, right in front of this lot.

    It is time for the city to make downtown bars close at 10PM. We, the citizens do not care if they lose revenue, we gain safety which is more important. Better yet they can move out of downtown to areas closer to their gang banger customers. Perhaps you could pass this suggestion on to the city council - would be greatly appreciated. Also the impact sgt for the area, there needs to be a patrol presence in this area every single friday and saturday night. Maybe that will encourage them to find places to get drunk and shoot at people, rev their engines and peel out when leaving (drunk) closer to home.

  • 205 Silver Ave Sw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Downtown
    People are still using excessive speed, seemingly sometimes even drag racing, revving engines unnecessarily creating noise pollution on the streets around Silver and 2nd. This happens at night after 10PM and it is almost certainly drunk driving young people getting out of the bars (on work nights as well as weekends). Please have a patrol car monitor this area to clean it up before someone gets hurt. Thanks.