Mark Langford

  • Pothole Archiviert
    2874 Bob Wade Ln Harvest, Alabama, 35749 - Huntsville
    The pothole is a lot deeper than it looks, and is right where your right tires ride. I bent a rather sturdy aluminum wheel on it, and killed a fairly new (and expensive) tire. It really needs to be repaired ASAP.
    Thanks a lot!
  • 205 Burwell Rd Nw Huntsville, AL, 35773, USA - Huntsville
    Street light at northwest corner of Carter's Gin Road and Burwell Road (nearest house is 155 Burwell Rd) is non-operational. The light only comes on dimly for 20 seconds, then goes out for almost two minutes before it comes on again. Before it comes back on, there is a very faint blue light (you can only see this at night), then another twenty second of somewhat brighter blue light, and then you get 20 seconds of bright light. This light has been doing this for THREE YEARS now, and this is the third time I've reported it. Clearly, it's not a bulb issue (the power supply is likely compromised and overheating), and the ENTIRE LAMP MUST BE REPLACED. This is a dangerous intersection, and the light is really needed there. I've seen two wrecks there myself, one of which was at night. The street light would have clearly shown the driver that there was no road ahead....just woods, which is right where he went. The lamp is consumer power, just not providing much light! Thanks for taking this seriously.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    Technology Dr Nw & Wynn Dr Nw Huntsville, AL, 35805, USA - Huntsville
    This pothole has been here for several months, slowly growing larger and deeper. I hit it on my work to work on a rainy dark morning (5:45 AM), and I even knew it was there....very dark, and temporarily forgot. It cost me an expensive tire that was only a month old, and bent a $450 wheel. If nothing else, please pour some gravel in it to at least temporarily repair it. Clearly, I'm not the only idiot who has hit it, and I should have reported it earlier.
    Also, at the same intersection, I noticed the sign in the grass was flattened over the weekend, which was to be expected....I almost did it myself after the road was redone. Y'all need something there so folks can see that the road isn't the grassy part...for us idiots who drive in the dark. Maybe that's what the sign was for, but it probably should have been at the beginning of the grass island, rather than at the end. That guy was probably drunk though. Thanks a lot, Mark Langford, Harvest
  • Pothole Archiviert
    641-881 Carters Gin Rd Toney, AL, 35773, USA - Huntsville
    Two very large and deep potholes on Carter's Gin Road between where Carter's Gin intersects Nick Fitcheard and the intersection of Burwell Road. One is closer to Burwell Road, just before the sharp curve, on the east side of the road. It's about eight feet long, 10" deep gap that devoured the white stripe on the edge, and left dangerous edges that I saw kill a guy's tire and wheel, and he almost lost control of the car (I was riding a bicycle, directly ahead of him). You can see in the photo where car suspensions bottom out at the tire drops off the road, causing the car to veer left unexpectedly. The other pothole is maybe 100 yards south of that on Carter's Gin, just south of the little bridge on the west side of the road. It's about five feet long and 10" deep, even wider inside the white line. Both of these are a complete absence of's crumbled and gone. Thanks for taking a look at this. They are both dangerous, and are costing people money.