
  • Erosion/Turbidity تم إقراره
    Wake Forest NC, USA - Wake Forest
    The runoff from the rain today continues to run beside the sewer pipe rather than through it because it was previously dislodged by running water. The erosion has already dropped one 5’x7’ rock into the “creek”. It is washing out roots and will soon be at our fence on Tryst Lane. We are asking for assistance managing the Town’s storm water due to development.
  • Erosion/Turbidity تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    500 Tryst Ln Wake Forest, North Carolina, 27587 - Wake Forest
    The new tributary created from storm runoff. This water comes through the woods at the back of properties in Pine Ridge Court and Tryst Lane and now meets with the Richland Creek runoff behind our property. This has eroded the "creek" and dislodged the drain pipe. All this extra water runs into the properties behind and at a lower level than the Sienna Townhome development and not into the catch basin drain across Sienna Drive. That water dumps into the Richland Creek which should also be an environmental concern if the destruction of property is not.