
  • Traffic Light Arquivado
    S. Genesse And Huron St. Pontiac, Michigan - Pontiac
    Every time they adjust this light the timing gets off. It does a count down like its going to change on the walk sigh and then goes right back to walk. so the light on S. Genesee stays red. Happens only at night and in order to turn right you do so on a red light.
  • RV parking Arquivado
    Rosshire Ct Pontiac, Michigan - Pontiac
    This RV has been parked in this corner for months now. People living in it. The City need's to get more aggressive and put a stop to this. This whole area is a eye sore for the streets sounding Rosshire CTs. Most may be empty but it makes it easy for the drug deals to go down,They park on Vinewood and walk down to Rosshire Ct and do their drug deals.