
  • 144-186 Lakeside Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Lakeside Ave has Many potholes, hard to drive in certain spots.
  • 377 Shelburne Road Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    big potholes on corner of Flynn ave and Route 7.
  • 175 Pearl Street Colchester, Vermont - Essex Junction (without Essex)
    On the corner of Warner Ave and Pearl Street in Essex Jct., there is really high grass that disables a driver from seeing the sidewalk and if anyone is on it. If you are driving on Warner to take a right onto Pearl St.
  • Curb Repair Archiviato
    654 Pine Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The entrance to Lakeside Ave from Pine Street needs some pavement to build a smoother entrance. This has been done on almost every other Pine Street street/business entrance except Lakeside Ave. Obviously construction continues, but this has been untouched for months.
  • Curb Repair Archiviato
    654 Pine Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    The entrance to Lakeside Ave from Pine Street needs some pavement to build a smoother entrance. This has been done on almost every other Pine Street street/business entrance except Lakeside Ave. Obviously construction continues, but this has been untouched for months.
  • Pavement Archiviato
    83-123 Lime Rock Road South Burlington, Vermont - South Burlington
    Hi All, in front of the entrance to Oh My Dog on Lime Rock Road there are chunks and busted pavement. It would be great if these could be filled in. There are smaller ones around the "loop" there also. Thanks!
  • 529-535 Shelburne Road South Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    Hi All, Everyday I see people totally ignoring the Yield Sign as they exit the Shelburne Road Shopping Plaza "exit ramp" onto Shelburne Road going South. Is there a way to add another Yield sign there - maybe on the median to the left so there is a sign on both sides of the exit ramp? or any other ideas? It seems 9 out of 10 cars ignore the current Yield sign and almost side swipe the moving traffic . Thanks!
  • Pavement Archiviato
    Ethan Allen Drive South Burlington, Vermont - Burlington International Airport
    Ethan Allen Drive - the area between Lime Rock Road and Airport Parkway - large sets of potholes near Twisted Wrench that make you go into other lane to avoid them. Also the Lime Rock "circle road" has many potholes too.
  • 18 Lime Rock Road South Burlington, VT - South Burlington
    Hi All, in front of the entrance to Oh My Dog on Lime Rock Road there are Big holes and Big chunks of missing pavement. It would be great if these could be filled in. There are smaller ones around the "loop" there also. It would be Great if you had a little extra filler and could fill in the holes in the Oh My Dog driveway - not sure if you have to check with them first?