
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    Dead rat about 4 feet from side walk on my driveway wall.
    Since I do not see injuries I am afraid it was poisoned so I do not want it left for wildlife.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    Are there are options for trees?
    I would like a new native street tree, smaller size, that will suit the tree pit near utility pipes.
    The tree must be planted with first root flare level with the ground.
    I did send an email about this but received no reply.
    Prior street tree was planted 14 inches below grade and started dying right away. We should have had a nice shade tree by now. Instead we are doing this all over again because it was buried alive. Sad.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    1. Street tree planted too deep died. Tree and wood supports are on driveway wall. I am willing to bring to city yard but what do I do with the wood support 2x4s? Where do I put them?
    2. I would like a new smaller native street tree that suits the tree pit near utility pipes. Tree must be planted with first root flare level with the ground. Are their are options for trees?
    3. I did send an email about this but received no reply.
    4. We should have had a nice shade tree by now. Instead we are doing this all over again because it was planted so wrong. Sad.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    yard waste not picked up at 121 Beltran St malden. Everything was on the curb before 7 am.
  • 360 Washington Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    Walked down glen rock ave took a left on Washington st. There on the sidewalk is the broken end of a street sign. Tripping hazard. Street sign appears to be replaced. It is not the cracked sidewalk that is the issue but the stump of the street sign.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    A contractor plow driver plowed Greystone road and just kept going right across the street to the end of my driveway, right side. This contractor driver blocked my driveway about 25 percent. I cannot drive through it. I am permanently retired from even attempting to move the snow cement from Greystone plowing. It was a large black truck with writing on it. It might have said Edgeworth. You can get around a mound of snow and ice on a sidewalk or corner. This is a driveway. I do not have an alternate driveway. Are they earning 100-200 an hour? Can they be expected to just move the wheel or the blade so that the plowed cement does not land in someone's driveway?
    Btw, there are some drivers who are able to plow properly. Some just don't care.
  • Fellsmere Park Fellsmere Rd, Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Fellsmere park was a mess near the entrance Thursday afternoon. So many abandoned sleds, some broken, many in the water, all over the place. Nearby there was so much trash in piles I think a trash barrel fell over. The barrel might be in the water too. The piles were by the water's edge and so many dog crap bags will be in the water when the snow and ice melt. Will anyone get all of that plastic out of the water? Please let the people who will rehabilitate the park that they need to protect the water from everyone's trash, the trash barrels, abandoned sleds and more. It was really ridiculous and sad. I am willing to pick up trash (and have often done so) but I cannot go in the water and would need plastic gloves and a large trash bags for that job. Right now most of it is stuck in snow and ice.
    This pic was taken Thursday afternoon. I have more pics too.
  • Pothole Archiviato
    18 East Border Road Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    A rather deep pothole near the driveway of 18 East Border Road.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Yard waste not picked up on Beltran St Friday. Will there be a pick up today? This is at least the 3rd time this has happened this year
  • Street Sweeping Archiviato
    Beltran St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Street sweeping was not done June 14. When I called DPW to report it they act as if it will be done in the next 20 minutes. It was not done on Beltran or Greystone.
  • Beltran St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Yard waste not picked up June 18. Yard waste was not picked up June 4 either. My guess is that it takes so long for them to use the new improved barrels instead of just tossing a bag in the back of the truck that they run out of time.
  • Beltran St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Yard waste not picked up Friday.
  • 121 Beltran Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    It looks like someone dumped a toaster oven on the sidewalk across from my house, by a high wall.
    You might consider driving around a bit. You will likely find other items in the area since it is so nicely picked up for them. Are they ever caught?
  • Beltran St & Greystone Rd Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3

    While we were in bed someone went around the area dumping their crap. It is the job of other people to handle their trash. I found three areas on my way to the mechanic, there are likely more.
    1. Beltran and Greystone rd. Plywood.
    2. Glenrock and Elliot - taped up box. That will be good, probably an old tv.
    3. Glenrock near Washington st, more plywood or something like that.

    I wish you could find someone with a camera to identify the person who does this.

  • Tree - All Other Archiviato
    Fellsmere Pond MA, USA - Malden Ward 3

    This tree is growing on the fellsway side of the pond, near the benches.
    This is a state listed invasive, prohibited, species named ailanthus or tree of heaven or stink tree.

    It is not sumac which is native(has value), has fuzzy stems and remains small.

    Currently, there are two juniors, one on either side of the the tree pictured.
    You can rub the leaves and take a whiff. That is an easy way to identify this tree (and no fuzzy stems).
    If left another 5 years, this tree will be 30 feet taller (can reach 80 feet in 10 yrs). AND there will be another 30 or 40 juniors growing too.

    It would be great if you can remove this tree and any juniors you see. There may be smaller ones I missed in the vegetation.
    Miserable tree.

  • Gleason St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    There is a section of Gleason street where former trees heaved the sidewalk. I have removed a barrel of the vegetation so you can better see the condition of the sidewalk (I do not live there).
    If even this 12 ft section of sidewalk could be fixed it would be much better. It is actually worse than shown in pic and has been this way for many years. Fix please?
  • Pothole Archiviato
    Greystone Rd Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Pothole by manhole on Beltran st opposite Greystone rd.
    Previous fixes have not lasted.
  • Street Light Archiviato
    Beltran St & Horace St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    National Grid is currently hooking up the new much larger poles. As everyone knows, our houses are close to the street. Last night I thought 'what is going on outside'? Nothing was going on. The new lights are positioned higher and there is much much more light in the house. At 11 pm, at 2 am at 4 AM.
    Does anyone, the city or national grid, have any best practices for lights in neighborhoods when the houses are so close to the street?
    Can the angle of the light at Beltran and Horace be changed?
  • 116 Beltran St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Dead black squirrel across from 110, 115 Beltran st.
  • Pothole Archiviato
    E Border Rd Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    A few potholes starting from the pothole by the manhole at East border rd/ Summer st (small) to 18 east border road.
    A couple are rather deep.