
  • 2538-2576 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina - Six Forks
    Sidewalks are overgrown from Six Forks Road to Hodges. This appears to be a problem every year. Briars, kudzu and other limbs/brush make it almost impassable. Nuisance sign dated 6/5/2017 indicates responsibility of the Manor. This is odd because City of Raleigh has maintained this stretch for at least the last 5 years. Also if sign stated 6/5/2017 shouldn't it have been taken care of by the Manor?
  • Other 已存档
    2621 Oldgate Drive Raleigh, North Carolina - Six Forks
    Sign placement to entrance appears to be too close to the entrance. Should probably be placed further away to allow for better sightlines when exiting.