
  • Children's Safety concerns! Αναγνωρισμένο
    1616-1648 Middlesex St Lowell, Massachusetts - Lowell
    I notice today when I bring My granddaughter, that this Park has a two safety concerns. One of then the top in the picture, need Four screws in the bottom. What can cause a child to fall forward causing some sort of bodily harm. I in the second photo below, you can notice a crack in the forum of the swing seat, which could also cause a wound in the hands of children. I appreciate that this, not pass unnoticed, after this report. Thanks! God bless America.
  • 414 Fletcher St Lowell, Massachusetts - Lowell
    I notice, how fast cars pass in the Fletcher Street, in Lowell, MA Not slow down sign in the crosswalk, No stop for pedestrian crossing. Is incredibly how this slip from the safety board. Is a park, and school in the premises. What we waiting for, some kid or some human being getting kill for some of this driver that don't have concerns for the life of other persons, including children's? I make a call to take some action about, for the safety of the community and prevent any future tragic. Safety first, please. Thanks