• Potholes Arquivada
    197 Townsend Ave New Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East Shore
    Whatever is sinking in the road is sinking again. The real issue must be addressed rather than another patch! Is there a risk of cave-in? I don't know but don't want to find out!
  • Potholes Arquivada
    49-51 Woodward Ave East Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East Shore
    Potholes line both sides of the street on the stretch before Townsend Ave.
  • Fort Hale Park New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Littering in and around Ft. Hale and all along the roads to Lighthouse Park is out of control. As we are a recreation area for the entire City of New Haven, we should be on the schedule for regular street sweeping to aid the Public Works Department. I would also suggest an anti-littering campaign for the general public to encourage keeping New Haven clean!
  • 24 Woodward Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    Fort Hale park has become a pigsty. The pier area is dirty and the parking lot is dirty. Swing the squad car by and ticket people who dump on the ground.
    We need an anti-littering campaign to remind people that the parks belong to all of us but some of us are not doing their part to keep them beautiful.
  • 223 Townsend Ave New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    The sidewalks in front of 223& 225 Townsend Avenue are too low. This is resulting in water flooding/ freezing on walk and undermining the property owners' walls. The low area has already allowed 2 vehicles since August 2018 to jump the curb and hit the poles. 223 & 225 have also had wall damage from accidents. This is a State road so the City and State must get together to put in sidewalks of sufficient height to protect pedestrians and properties. Pic indicates how low the curbing is.
  • Signs Arquivada
    223 Townsend Ave New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    In front of 223 Townsend Ave., a car knocked down a no-parking anytime sign, The sign is still there but the base of the sign is in the ground with a sharp point-- this is a hazard to pedestrians. The pole that was hit is also cracked and a gap is opening around the base of the pole, which has not been cemented in
  • Illegal Dumping Arquivada
    Corner Ft Hale Rd & Woodward Ave New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    A growing pile of debris has existed for months at this location. Not sure if it from the adjoining houses or if people are now adding to it but it is an ugly eyesore that should be removed immediately.